- 0
- 2
- 5
Sanity check on command line arguments
#6 opened by jsjason - 7
- 0
RBPN porting on RnB
#52 opened by Haabibi - 0
Return correct output shape for R(2+1)D
#69 opened by jsjason - 0
Include GPU path in logs
#65 opened by jsjason - 0
Segment-based parallel execution
#44 opened by jsjason - 1
Allow input/output of a Runner other than Tensor
#41 opened by yunseong - 0
- 0
- 0
NVVL-PyTorch1.1 hangs when program exits
#56 opened by jsjason - 0
- 0
Per-GPU queue for aggressive pipelining
#43 opened by jsjason - 0
Implement a no-pipelining version of R(2+1)D
#42 opened by jsjason - 0
Link with CUPTI to acquire occupancy metrics
#19 opened by jsjason - 2
- 0
Visualize the progress of inferences
#38 opened by yunseong - 0
Take mean_interval = 0 as a special case
#12 opened by yunseong - 0
Monitor GPU memory usage
#33 opened by yunseong - 0
Let Neural Network be split
#13 opened by yunseong - 2
- 0
Support heterogeneous placement
#14 opened by yunseong - 1
- 0
- 1
Subtle behavior of python IPC
#17 opened by yunseong - 1
Loader finishes earlier than runners
#7 opened by jsjason - 0
Periodically log queue size
#18 opened by jsjason - 0
Multiple loaders
#4 opened by jsjason - 0
Update PyTorch version
#3 opened by jsjason