- 1
- 1
- 7
Compile error with support-v7 22.1
#53 opened by cheeplusplus - 6
#51 opened by huazhouwang - 10
Red line below "Undo" text
#45 opened by peah90 - 4
- 1
Set the "Undo" word
#49 opened by SolveSoul - 1
Creating UndoBar with reference
#48 opened by QuickBrownFoxy - 3
- 5
No resource found that matches the given name (at 'id' with value '@android:id/mask')
#46 opened by supareek - 3
- 8
- 3
how can i set postion?
#41 opened by QuickBrownFoxy - 2
Pass Parcelable to onClear
#22 opened - 3
UndoBar doesn't save it's instance state.
#35 opened by makovkastar - 1
- 2
- 2
unable to show UndoBar again
#33 opened by phileo - 3
- 3
- 1
Omitting "@aar" in gradle cause app to crash
#28 opened by orbegoso - 4
#17 opened by PerfectCarl - 3
Issue when using with Support Library v7
#7 opened by mradzinski - 1
documentation: gradle dependency import doesn't work for AndroidStudio 0.8.1
#25 opened by Avinash-Bhat - 1
Can this library be used with Java 1.6 ?
#23 opened by hrabkin - 1
correct readme!
#21 opened by Den-Rimus - 3
- 9
Listener for UndoBar Hidden/Finished
#15 opened by dortamur - 1
- 7
UndoBar with translucent Navigationbar
#14 opened by homj - 1
KitKat margins and padding
#12 opened by pushbit - 1
Hebrew translation
#11 opened by yoavst - 4
New button highlight colour for KitKat
#9 opened by pushbit - 1
Maven AAR has empty classes.jar
#10 opened by kkalass - 2
- 4
Gradle, please
#4 opened by sianis - 1
there I need a function
#8 opened by carl1990 - 1
Android Studio
#5 opened by LarsWerkman - 3
Using the old UndoBar
#2 opened by tasomaniac - 1
Crash instantly
#1 opened by Leandros