
Versatile DIY weatherstation using a Raspberry Pi and a BME280 sensor

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Go Report Card test-workflow release-workflow golangci-lint-workflow

Detects and forwards temperature data using a BME280 sensor and a Raspberry PI


🤖 Integrates with Home-Assistant
📊 Reads sensor data, accessible via MQTT and metrics
🔐 Allows connecting to secure MQTT brokers using TLS client certificates
🔭 Expose temperature data as metrics to enable alerting and Grafana dashboards



Download a prebuilt binary from the releases section for your system.

From Source

As a prerequisite, you need to have Golang SDK installed. Then you can install gobot-bme280 from source by invoking:

$ go install github.com/soerenschneider/gobot-bme280@latest

JSON Example Payload



gobot-bme280 can be fully configured using either environment variables or a config file. To supply a config file, the -config parameter is used.

General Config Reference

Struct Field Description Environment Variable Default Value Validation
Placement Specifies the placement. GOBOT_BME280_PLACEMENT N/A (required) required
MetricConfig Metric server address. GOBOT_BME280_METRICS_LISTEN_ADDR N/A (omitempty) tcp_addr
IntervalSecs Interval in seconds for sensor readings. GOBOT_BME280_INTERVAL_S 30 min=30,max=300
StatIntervals Intervals for collecting statistics. GOBOT_BME280_STAT_INTERVALS N/A (dive) dive,min=10,max=3600
LogSensor Whether to log sensor readings. GOBOT_BME280_LOG_SENSOR_READINGS false N/A

MQTT Config Reference

Struct Field Description Environment Variable Default Value Validation
Disabled Indicates if MQTT is disabled. GOBOT_BME280_MQTT_DISABLED false N/A
Host MQTT broker host address. GOBOT_BME280_MQTT_BROKER N/A (required_if=Disabled false, mqtt_broker) required_if=Disabled false, mqtt_broker
Topic MQTT topic for sensor readings. GOBOT_BME280_MQTT_TOPIC N/A (required_if=Disabled false, mqtt_topic) required_if=Disabled false, mqtt_topic
ClientKeyFile Client SSL key file for MQTT. GOBOT_BME280_MQTT_TLS_CLIENT_KEY_FILE N/A (required_unless=ClientCertFile '', file) required_unless=ClientCertFile '', file
ClientCertFile Client SSL certificate file for MQTT. GOBOT_BME280_MQTT_TLS_CLIENT_CRT_FILE N/A (required_unless=ClientKeyFile '', file) required_unless=ClientKeyFile '', file
ServerCaFile Server SSL CA certificate file for MQTT. GOBOT_BME280_MQTT_TLS_SERVER_CA_FILE N/A (omitempty, file) required_unless=ClientKeyFile '', file

Sensor Config Reference

Struct Field Description Environment Variable Default Value Validation
GpioBus GPIO bus for sensor. GOBOT_BME280_GPIO_BUS 1 gte=0
GpioAddress GPIO address for sensor. GOBOT_BME280_GPIO_ADDRESS 0x76 gte=1,lte=200


This project exposes the following metrics in Open Metrics format using the gobot_bme280 prefix.

Metric Name Description Labels
version Version information of this robot version, commit
heartbeat_timestamp_seconds Heartbeat of this robot placement
reading_errors_total Total amount of errors while reading from the sensor placement
altitude_meters The measured altitude in meters placement
humidity_percent The measured humidity in percent placement
temperature_celsius The measured temperature in degrees celsius placement
pressure_pa The measured pressure in pascal placement
messages_published_total The amount of published MQTT messages placement
message_publish_errors_total Total amount of errors while trying to publish messages over MQTT placement