Simple Objective-C wrapper for the keychain that works on Mac and iOS
- 5
iOS 12,iPhone X,Keychain data lost
#198 opened by qtechdrew - 17
Crash when app lanuch
#192 opened by yinanwang1 - 0
NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData method is deprecated, please update to unarchivedObjectOfClass method
#201 opened by PrakNarith - 0
- 1
How to change accessibilityType for keychain entires that have already been created?
#185 opened by pdxchance - 1
Who can confirm that "All Keychain entries will be removed when an app is deleted." ?
#195 opened by iwming - 0
iOS 12 Deprecated Issue
#197 opened by CodeTeamLabs - 3
crash in iOS10.2.1
#175 opened by tjcsr - 2
- 1
Keychain randomly returning -25300
#176 opened by 393385724 - 0
Switching simulators gives old data
#191 opened by alper - 1
Handle the case when there is no SAMKeychain.bundle
#180 opened by zummenix - 3
a problem with bundleWithURL
#139 opened by yoimhere - 0
- 0
- 3
Query fetchAll filters based on accessibilityType
#188 opened by jcavar - 2
- 2
Unable to access keychain data within a locked device (iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.1.1)
#170 opened by SmartAppsX - 9
Cannot get the password.
#164 opened by MattNeko - 1
Invalid path for SAMKeychainQuery.h
#183 opened by jtmilne - 0
Disabled code coverage for xCode 9
#181 opened by yshindo000 - 3
what's the different with SSKeychain
#179 opened by gilnuy - 1
Store other values not just username and password.
#178 opened by lyc2345 - 5
Identify if user has allowed keychain access "Always"
#172 opened by maxisme - 1
Some sort of "synchronizable" setting?
#156 opened by benguild - 2
Keychain resets data for other apps
#171 opened by Terekness - 0
I want to use key value
#169 opened by st0326s - 6
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Should this work with internet passwords?
#167 opened by surrealroad - 1
Provide ability to set access control
#151 opened by insha - 2
Custom Keychain Support
#166 opened by cheizer - 1
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Definition of 'SAMKeychain' must be imported from moudule 'SAMKeychain.SAMKeychain' before it is required
#162 opened by sunhongjihaha - 2
- 0
Unable to find a specification for `SAMKeychain`
#160 opened by russelCrowe - 2
#161 opened by slipknotmao - 1
- 1
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Class SSKeychain is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x112eb8780) and /Users/vesperhan/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/2567F18A-E146-476C-92A7-B59EF96D4179/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/6EA7C06D-AD66-4825-8183-575E6412A538/ (0x1015fc398). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
#154 opened by VesperHan - 2
Definition of 'SAMKeychain' must be imported from module 'SAMKeychain.SAMKeychain' before it is required
#152 opened by reting - 4
Adaptive iOS 10
#153 opened by Mars182838 - 8
not working on iOS 10
#149 opened by chrigu1981 - 5
[!] Unable to find a specification for `SAMKeychain`
#147 opened by cnowak7 - 2
KeychainTests Failed!
#146 opened by leizh007 - 1
SAMKeychainQuery().fetch causes crash on iOS10
#145 opened by hassaan22 - 0
Provide ability to set accessibilityType per query
#144 opened by iThinker - 2
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There is something wrong with xcode 8.0(beta 3),expect to update as soon as possible!
#141 opened by mg459046365 - 2
Strings file investigation
#134 opened by andyzaharia - 2
Can not work in Swift with cocoapods
#136 opened by Wilson2014