
😷 a user-friendly COVID-19 dashboard written for Shiny, featuring on-the-fly map switching and digestible summaries

Primary LanguageR

COVID-19 mapped

Written for JHU's EN.560.291 CaSE Coding course.


This app:

  1. imports the latest COVID-19 data from HealthData.gov and the Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering
  2. wrangles and geocodes the data
  3. generates choropleth maps and textual summaries from the data
  4. defines an interactive Shiny dashboard
  5. handles user input to switch maps and summaries on-the-fly

All data wrangling and view generation happens in global.r. Using these results, the Shiny app is then defined in ui.r and server.r. Finally, the app is styled as detailed in styles.scss, taking inspiration from Statistics Sweden's Kommuner i siffror (Municipalities in Numbers) visualization.



Access the app online on shinyapps.io.


To run the app locally, you'll need to have an R interpreter installed. As well, to build dependencies, you will need Rtools.

Through an R shell, install the project's dependencies.

install.packages(c("shiny", "magrittr", "dplyr", "leaflet", "formattable", "sass", "remotes"))

Clone the repository and run the following in an R shell whose working directory is the repository's root directory:


Alternatively, open the project in RStudio and run the app using the IDE's built-in Shiny capabilities.