A Blender plugin to create roads with real terrain and smooth road profiles
All the document is WIP/TBD
https://github.com/vvoovv/blender-gpx/wiki/Documentation https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/132120/how-to-create-a-curved-road-in-blender https://cgbookcase.com/textures/how-to-use-pbr-textures-in-blender?texture=two-lane-solid-line-road-patches-01
DDS mac plugin to read DDS files https://fnordware.blogspot.com/2014/09/dds-plug-in-for-after-effects-and.html https://www.racedepartment.com/threads/proper-technique-in-track-making-plus-tips.122794/
Place them 1 or 2 meters above track surface. Three conditions to make sure everything will work as expected:
- respect the naming scheme
- make then invisible
- make sure to respect the axis orientation (pivot point Y up, Z forward) (rotate axis X 90)
- set the origin of the track to the origin of the world (0,0,0)
- convert the curve to bezier, change the control points, then recalculate normals
- apply the transforms before texturing it. In object mode, press Control-A Scale
set the origin to the bezier
- bezier res: 24
- bezier Twist method: zUp
create plane add array modifier - set uv - set merge - set merge distance to 0 add curve modifier - get the curve - calculate the length
Apply the Array, delete the Curve. Control-A apply all the transformation Map the UV First 2 using smart Rest Follow quad
Add a new curve modifier - Select the bezier
/Users/assman/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.82/scripts/addons/blender-gpx-master/init.py:227
projection = None
if "bpyproj" in self.__dict__ and self.bpyproj:
projection = self.bpyproj.getProjection(lat, lon)
if not projection:
from .transverse_mercator import TransverseMercator
# fall back to the Transverse Mercator
projection = TransverseMercator(lat=lat, lon=lon)
return projection
In order to get https://github.com/vvoovv/blender-gpx/wiki/Documentation this work, we need https://github.com/JeremyBYU/bpyproj dependency and proj installed. But the build requires some tunning in the @rpath so this is how to fix the plugin
SRID PROJ 4326 (WS84) EPSG:4326
N:40.3319 W:-4.59881 E:-4.51401 S:40.2837
otool -l "/Users/assman/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.82/scripts/addons/bpyproj/dependencies/binaries/osx_64_37/site-packages/pyproj/_proj.cpython-37m-darwin.so" see
Load command 17
cmdsize 40
path @loader_path/../../../ (offset 12)
brew install proj #(latest version 7)
go to /Users/assman/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.82/scripts/addons/bpyproj/dependencies/binaries/osx_64_37/site-packages/pyproj/../../../
#ln -s libproj.13.dylib -> osx_64_37/site-packages/pyproj/libproj.13.dylib
ln -s /usr/local/lib/libproj.dylib libproj.13.dylib
/Users/assman/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.82/scripts/addons/bpyproj/dependencies/binaries
mephisto:binaries assman$ ls -lart
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 3 assman staff 96 2 abr 17:47 linux_64_35
drwxr-xr-x 3 assman staff 96 2 abr 17:47 linux_64_36
drwxr-xr-x 3 assman staff 96 2 abr 17:47 linux_64_37
drwxr-xr-x 3 assman staff 96 2 abr 17:47 osx_64_35
drwxr-xr-x 3 assman staff 96 2 abr 17:47 osx_64_37
drwxr-xr-x 3 assman staff 96 2 abr 17:47 windows_32_35
drwxr-xr-x 3 assman staff 96 2 abr 17:47 windows_64_35
drwxr-xr-x 3 assman staff 96 2 abr 17:47 windows_64_37
drwxr-xr-x 5 assman staff 160 2 abr 17:47 ..
lrwxr-xr-x 1 assman staff 47 3 abr 10:47 libproj.13.dylib -> osx_64_37/site-packages/pyproj/libproj.13.dylib
drwxr-xr-x 11 assman staff 352 3 abr 10:47 .
works awesome
https://gumroad.com/d/bcca0fa5c2eaa11bf49eea7030464879 https://github.com/vvoovv/blender-osm/wiki/Documentation#terrain-import
how to fix elevation GPX problem
- set the Z (top) orto view
- go to first point of GPX
- 3d cursor, get the Z value
- select in the terrain the face. Set the origin to THAT face
- Move the terrain Z to the Z value recorded in step (2) from GPX.
#vp = bpy.data.objects['Plane'].data.vertices[37] #vt = bpy.data.meshes['Terrain'].vertices[24449] #vp = Vector((-33.21149826049805, -8.433300971984863, 6.760486125946045)) #vt = Vector((-129.67138671875, -46.43072509765625, 3.25))
#vpw = bpy.data.objects['Plane'].matrix_world @ vp.co #vtw = bpy.data.objects['Terrain'].matrix_world @ vt.co
#d1 = (vp.co.xyz - vt.co.xyz).length #d2 = (vpw.xyz - vtw.xyz).length ## this one! #d3 = (vpw.xy - vtw.xy).length # 2d
#print("distance 1: ", d1) #print("distance 2: ", d2) #print("distance 3: ", d3)
bpy.context.scene.blender_osm.dataType = 'osm' bpy.ops.blender_osm.import_data()
print(bpy.context.scene.blender_osm.maxLat) # top 40.33190155029297
print(bpy.context.scene.blender_osm.minLon) # left -4.598810195922852
print(bpy.context.scene.blender_osm.maxLon) # right -4.514009952545166
print(bpy.context.scene.blender_osm.minLat) # bottom 40.28369903564453
import bpy
def download_terrain_osm( top, left, right, bottom, kind='terrain'): bpy.context.scene.blender_osm.dataType = kind bpy.context.scene.blender_osm.maxLat = top bpy.context.scene.blender_osm.minLon = left bpy.context.scene.blender_osm.maxLon = right bpy.context.scene.blender_osm.minLat = bottom bpy.ops.blender_osm.import_data()
#download_terrain_osm(40.324347,-4.588443,-4.566994,40.297759) #download_terrain_osm(40.335921, -4.849929,-4.805058,40.253744)
x =23.5m y =31m