
A Blender plugin to create roads with real terrain and smooth road profiles

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A Blender plugin to create roads with real terrain and smooth road profiles

All the document is WIP/TBD

https://github.com/vvoovv/blender-gpx/wiki/Documentation https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/132120/how-to-create-a-curved-road-in-blender https://cgbookcase.com/textures/how-to-use-pbr-textures-in-blender?texture=two-lane-solid-line-road-patches-01

DDS mac plugin to read DDS files https://fnordware.blogspot.com/2014/09/dds-plug-in-for-after-effects-and.html https://www.racedepartment.com/threads/proper-technique-in-track-making-plus-tips.122794/


how to texture things propertly





Place them 1 or 2 meters above track surface. Three conditions to make sure everything will work as expected:

  1. respect the naming scheme
  2. make then invisible
  3. make sure to respect the axis orientation (pivot point Y up, Z forward) (rotate axis X 90)

Road modelling

  1. set the origin of the track to the origin of the world (0,0,0)
  2. convert the curve to bezier, change the control points, then recalculate normals
  3. apply the transforms before texturing it. In object mode, press Control-A Scale


  1. set the origin to the bezier

    • bezier res: 24
    • bezier Twist method: zUp
  2. create plane add array modifier - set uv - set merge - set merge distance to 0 add curve modifier - get the curve - calculate the length

    Apply the Array, delete the Curve. Control-A apply all the transformation Map the UV First 2 using smart Rest Follow quad

    Add a new curve modifier - Select the bezier


fix for GPX-Import in Blender 2.8.2

/Users/assman/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.82/scripts/addons/blender-gpx-master/init.py:227

        projection = None
        if "bpyproj" in self.__dict__ and self.bpyproj:
            projection = self.bpyproj.getProjection(lat, lon)
        if not projection:
            from .transverse_mercator import TransverseMercator
            # fall back to the Transverse Mercator
            projection = TransverseMercator(lat=lat, lon=lon)
        return projection

how to fix the pyproj problem (install binary dependencies on Blender)

In order to get https://github.com/vvoovv/blender-gpx/wiki/Documentation this work, we need https://github.com/JeremyBYU/bpyproj dependency and proj installed. But the build requires some tunning in the @rpath so this is how to fix the plugin

SRID PROJ 4326 (WS84) EPSG:4326

N:40.3319 W:-4.59881 E:-4.51401 S:40.2837

otool -l "/Users/assman/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.82/scripts/addons/bpyproj/dependencies/binaries/osx_64_37/site-packages/pyproj/_proj.cpython-37m-darwin.so" see

Load command 17
         cmd LC_RPATH
     cmdsize 40
        path @loader_path/../../../ (offset 12)
brew install proj #(latest version 7)

go to /Users/assman/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.82/scripts/addons/bpyproj/dependencies/binaries/osx_64_37/site-packages/pyproj/../../../ #ln -s libproj.13.dylib -> osx_64_37/site-packages/pyproj/libproj.13.dylib ln -s /usr/local/lib/libproj.dylib libproj.13.dylib

/Users/assman/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.82/scripts/addons/bpyproj/dependencies/binaries
mephisto:binaries assman$ ls -lart
total 0
drwxr-xr-x   3 assman  staff   96  2 abr 17:47 linux_64_35
drwxr-xr-x   3 assman  staff   96  2 abr 17:47 linux_64_36
drwxr-xr-x   3 assman  staff   96  2 abr 17:47 linux_64_37
drwxr-xr-x   3 assman  staff   96  2 abr 17:47 osx_64_35
drwxr-xr-x   3 assman  staff   96  2 abr 17:47 osx_64_37
drwxr-xr-x   3 assman  staff   96  2 abr 17:47 windows_32_35
drwxr-xr-x   3 assman  staff   96  2 abr 17:47 windows_64_35
drwxr-xr-x   3 assman  staff   96  2 abr 17:47 windows_64_37
drwxr-xr-x   5 assman  staff  160  2 abr 17:47 ..
lrwxr-xr-x   1 assman  staff   47  3 abr 10:47 libproj.13.dylib -> osx_64_37/site-packages/pyproj/libproj.13.dylib
drwxr-xr-x  11 assman  staff  352  3 abr 10:47 .


works awesome

https://gumroad.com/d/bcca0fa5c2eaa11bf49eea7030464879 https://github.com/vvoovv/blender-osm/wiki/Documentation#terrain-import

how to fix elevation GPX problem

  1. set the Z (top) orto view
  2. go to first point of GPX
  3. 3d cursor, get the Z value
  4. select in the terrain the face. Set the origin to THAT face
  5. Move the terrain Z to the Z value recorded in step (2) from GPX.

blender icons


blender distance

distances should be calculated in this way:

#vp = bpy.data.objects['Plane'].data.vertices[37] #vt = bpy.data.meshes['Terrain'].vertices[24449] #vp = Vector((-33.21149826049805, -8.433300971984863, 6.760486125946045)) #vt = Vector((-129.67138671875, -46.43072509765625, 3.25))

goal distance (marked by measure tool: 6.307367787950501)

#vpw = bpy.data.objects['Plane'].matrix_world @ vp.co #vtw = bpy.data.objects['Terrain'].matrix_world @ vt.co

#d1 = (vp.co.xyz - vt.co.xyz).length #d2 = (vpw.xyz - vtw.xyz).length ## this one! #d3 = (vpw.xy - vtw.xy).length # 2d

#print("distance 1: ", d1) #print("distance 2: ", d2) #print("distance 3: ", d3)

call OSM

bpy.context.scene.blender_osm.dataType = 'osm' bpy.ops.blender_osm.import_data()

print(bpy.context.scene.blender_osm.maxLat) # top 40.33190155029297

print(bpy.context.scene.blender_osm.minLon) # left -4.598810195922852

print(bpy.context.scene.blender_osm.maxLon) # right -4.514009952545166

print(bpy.context.scene.blender_osm.minLat) # bottom 40.28369903564453

import bpy

def download_terrain_osm( top, left, right, bottom, kind='terrain'): bpy.context.scene.blender_osm.dataType = kind bpy.context.scene.blender_osm.maxLat = top bpy.context.scene.blender_osm.minLon = left bpy.context.scene.blender_osm.maxLon = right bpy.context.scene.blender_osm.minLat = bottom bpy.ops.blender_osm.import_data()

#download_terrain_osm(40.324347,-4.588443,-4.566994,40.297759) #download_terrain_osm(40.335921, -4.849929,-4.805058,40.253744)




x =23.5m y =31m