
Shared management machinery for PSGI web apps running with Starman.

Primary LanguagePerl

    starmachine_init.d - shared LSB init.d script for running PSGI apps with

    A management suite for production deployments of one or more PSGI web
    apps under *nix. Runs each app with Starman, and can use independent
    sets of libraries (e.g. "extlib/" dirs) for each app. Right now, the
    "suite" is just a flexible init.d script. But this might grow into a
    suite. Or it may not.

    The init script itself depends only on core Perl 5.6, although of course
    Starman and Server::Starter, plus your application's dependencies, must
    of course be available either in the main system or in your app's extlib
    for your app to run (see extlib conf var below).

  Most basic setup - single app
        git clone git://github.com/solgenomics/starmachine.git
        cd starmachine;
        ln -s /path/to/myapp .;
        sudo ln -s $PWD/bin/starmachine_init.d /etc/init.d/myapp;
        sudo /etc/init.d/myapp start

    And now /etc/init.d/myapp is a well-behaved init script that starts your
    app under Starman using /path/to/myapp/script/myapp.psgi with 10
    workers, on port 8080, putting the logs in the starmachine dir.

    Starmachine has very sensible defaults, but almost everything it does is
    configurable via its configuration file. It searches for that
    configuration file in 3 places, and uses the first one it finds:

          The file name stored in the C<STARMACHINE_CONF> environment
          variable, or if that is a directory, the file
          C<$STARMACHINE_CONF/starmachine.conf> in that directory.

        Relative to the (real) path from which this script is invoked. This
        means you can just run Starmachine out of a git checkout if you


  Configuration format
    An example configuration file for three apps
    ("ambikon_integrationserver", "sgn", and "mimosa"), looks like this:

        root_dir = /path/to/starmachine/root
        env[CATALYST_CONFIG] = /etc/starmachine

        # conf for the ambikon front-end proxy
        ambikon_integrationserver[port] = 80
        ambikon_integrationserver[user] = www-data

        # conf for the SGN legacy app
        sgn[port] = 8201
        sgn[user] = sgn_web

        # conf for the Mimosa aligner app
        mimosa[port]       = 8202
        mimosa[user]       = mimosa
        mimosa[access_log] = /var/log/mimosa.access.log
        mimosa[error_log]  = /var/log/mimosa.error.log

  Main configuration variables
        The directory under which each application directory is assumed to
        reside, unless otherwise specified with "myapp[app_dir]". Defaults
        to the config file's directory.

    env Environment variables to set for all apps.


          # set all Catalyst apps to look for their conf files in
          # /etc/starmachine
          env[CATALYST_CONFIG] = /etc/starmachine

  Application configuration variables
        Port the app will listen on. Default 8080.

        User that the app will run under. Defaults to the user that runs the
        init.d script.

        Group that the app will run under. Defaults to the primary group of
        the user that runs the init.d script.

        Variables to set in the app's environment.


          myapp[env][CATALYST_CONFIG] = /path/to/myapp.conf
          myapp[env][FOOBAR] = baz_1

        Number of worker processes to use. Default 10.

        todo. Default 20.

        Default 1. If 1, preload the application in the parent process
        before forking workers.

        Default empty. String interpolated directly into the invocation of
        "start_server" (see start_server).

        Default empty. String interpolated directly into the invocation of
        "starman" (see starman).

        Access log file. Default "(starmachine_root)/(app_name).access.log".

        Error log file. Default "(starmachine_root)/(app_name).error.log"

        Application main directory. Default

        Path (relative to app_dir, or absolute) of PSGI file to use for
        starting the app.

        PID file in which to store the PID of the Server::Starter parent
        process. Default "(starmachine_root)/(app_name).pid".

        Server::Starter status file. Default

        Path to bundled dependencies (extlibs) of the app, either relative
        to the app_dir, or absolute. Default: "extlib".

    Copyright 2011 Robert Buels

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    Robert Buels <rbuels@cpan.org>