- 7
Read Time Out and Connection Refused
#34 opened by MordecaiN7 - 5
SSL error in clamd server
#25 opened by rnkhouse - 0
/scan api params 'name' is not used, why?
#32 opened by TonyMistark - 1
scanreply and scan difference
#22 opened by anoopswsib - 1 Scan aborted. Reply from server: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
#24 opened by rnkhouse - 2
Docker Build Issue
#27 opened by arcons - 1
Getting Numberformat Exception
#21 opened by rnkhouse - 2
environment variables
#16 opened by thdotnet - 1
- 0
File submission fails with HTTP 500 error code.
#15 opened by nlaney - 2
Unable to start EmbeddedWebApplicationContext due to missing EmbeddedServletContainerFactory bean
#9 opened by tarakranjan - 0
up version + upload to docker
#11 opened by lokori - 0
- 1
Spring Boot could do with an update
#5 opened by ptribble - 0
Docker and Travis
#1 opened by lokori