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Dubios Crossco Site
#59 opened by unitrix0 - 0
wrong PID Output state?
#58 opened by LaithBudairi - 0
- 3
Adding Multiple PID Controllers
#56 opened by spooner123-ha - 2
Generic Controller
#55 opened by jeffcybulski - 0
Integration calls `async_track_state_change` instead of `async_track_state_change_event` which is deprecated
#54 opened by KrzysztofHajdamowicz - 6
Only Updates when Process Variable changes
#45 opened by 11sas11 - 0
- 0
Help in creating a config
#52 opened by Sr-psycho - 9
what am I missing?
#47 opened by homonto - 1
Analog output instead of only PWM?
#39 opened by R5fan - 2
Calibration of a PID (need explanation)
#41 opened by LeoI5 - 0
PID Setpoint Tracking
#51 opened by isabido - 1
- 0
Temperature and points below setpoint
#46 opened by ksga - 4
I cant get ouput
#44 opened by 11sas11 - 0
Wrong saturation prevention in I-part
#43 opened by wsw2016 - 2
how to make the call from configuration.yaml
#42 opened by Vicente-Ch - 11
- 3
using the controller for ppm and fanspeed
#40 opened by checkiecheck - 1
PID doesnt update until current temp change
#37 opened by sygys - 2
- 7
Document units
#29 opened by lukepighetti - 6
When I lower the set-point, PID goes to min
#31 opened by lukepighetti - 3
- 5
Restore sensor state after reboot
#33 opened by pterodaktil02 - 0
PID not able to produce negative values
#35 opened by RafSchandevyl - 11
Integrator in saturation
#19 opened by pterodaktil02 - 2
PID With setpoint 0 not working
#17 opened by RafSchandevyl - 15
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- 1
Having trouble tuning this
#28 opened by lukepighetti - 0
Reset PID does nothing
#27 opened by lukepighetti - 1
How do you integrate this fully?
#26 opened by lukepighetti - 10
PID doesn't do anything since 1.1.3
#15 opened by RubenKelevra - 4
Can't get PID to work
#16 opened by VdR1960 - 2
Breaking update 1.1.3 and how to tune?
#13 opened by RubenKelevra - 6
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#4 opened by RubenKelevra