
LeastSquare is a web application developed with the objective of predicting the price of used cars. The project follows the life cycle of a data science project and incorporates various tools and techniques such as machine learning, regression analysis, linear regression, polynomial regression, Lasso regression, Ridge regression, and Streamlit.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Least Square Open On Render

A simple Streamlit WebApp, which can predict Car Price with Machine Learning Models such as Linear Regression, Ridge Regression, and Lasso Regression.

Project Documentation

I've also trained this using Neural Network.

Open In Colab

How to use?

Clone this repository

  git clone https://github.com/somanathkshirsagar/LeastSquare.git

Method 1 - Using Docker

Prerequisite - Docker

  1. Build Docker Images
  docker build -t leastsquare:latest .
  1. Run App in Docker Container
  docker run leastsquare:latest

Method 2 - Using Virtual Environment

Prerequisite - Conda, Python

  1. Create a Conda Virtual Environment
  conda create -n leastsquare
  1. Activate Virtual Environment
  conda activate leastsquare
  1. Install Requirements.txt
  pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run Streamlit App
  streamlit run app.py

About Dataset

This data was scraped from cars24.com.

I used Octoparse to scrape the data from the website.

  • Name
  • Variant
  • Transmission
  • km_driven
  • Owner_Type
  • Fuel
  • Price
  • Age (Derived from Year Purchased)

Dataset Link

Project Organization



Explore Page

Explore Page

Model Page

Model Page

Predict Page

Predict Page

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