
Motion R-CNN: Mask R-CNN with support for 3D motion estimation (prototype)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Motion R-CNN

This repository contains the TensorFlow prototype implementation of my bachelor thesis Motion R-CNN: Instance-level 3D Motion Estimation with Region-based CNNs.

In addition to the functionality provided by the TensorFlow Object Detection API (at the time of writing), the code supports:

  • prediction of instance masks
  • prediction of 3D camera motion
  • prediction of 3D instance motions
  • Feature Pyramid Networks

Note that the code only supports training on the Virtual KITTI dataset, but it is easy to adapt it to other datasets. Motion prediction is fully optional and the code can be used as a Mask R-CNN implementation. Support for cityscapes is implemented, but using the records created with create_citiscapes_tf_record.py may require adapting the data_decoder or the record writing as the record interface changed.


Motion R-CNN is released under the MIT License (refer to the LICENSE file for details).



  • tensorflow (>= 1.3.0) with GPU support.
  • sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler
  • pip install opencv-python pandas pillow lxml matplotlib


  • from the project root directory, run export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:`pwd`:`pwd`/slim
  • download and extract the pre-trained ResNet-50 model to object_detection/data
  • download all of the Virtual KITTI ground truth and extract the folders into a directory named vkitti.
  • cd to the project root directory
  • run protoc object_detection/protos/*.proto --python_out=.
  • run python create_vkitti_tf_record.py --data_dir=<data_parent_dir> --output_dir=data/records --set val
  • run python create_vkitti_tf_record.py --data_dir=<data_parent_dir> --output_dir=data/records --set train

Note that <data_parent_dir> is the directory containing the vkitti directory.

Training & evaluating


  • python train.py --logtostderr --pipeline_config_path=data/configs/motion_rcnn_vkitti_cam.config --train_dir=output/train/motion_rcnn_vkitti_cam --gpu 0
  • python eval.py --logtostderr --pipeline_config_path=data/configs/motion_rcnn_vkitti_cam.config --checkpoint_dir=output/train/motion_rcnn_vkitti_cam --eval_dir=output/eval/motion_rcnn_vkitti_cam

to train and evaluate a model with camera and instance motion prediction. You can adapt the configurations found in data/configs/. For a description of the configuration parameters, see object_detection/protos.

Navigating the code

The following files were added or modified from the original Object Detection API code

Additionally, some proto params and builders were modified, and extensions were made to eval_util.py, eval.py, evaluator.py, train.py, trainer.py.

The following tests were added or modified:

  • object_detection.core.box_predictor_test
  • object_detection.core.post_processing_test
  • object_detection.models.faster_rcnn_resnet_v1_feature_extractor_test
  • object_detection.models.faster_rcnn_resnet_v1_fpn_feature_extractor_test
  • object_detection.anchor_generators.multiple_grid_anchor_generator_test
  • object_detection.meta_architectures.faster_rcnn_meta_arch_test


This repository is based on the TensorFlow Object Detection API.