Pinned issues
- 2
Roadmap to 4.0
#777 opened by wbloszyk - 0
This bundle is abandoned // Looking for maintainers
#766 opened by core23 - 0
Create a recipe for flex
#727 opened by franmomu - 2
Comment status type is broken
#675 opened by core23 - 4
Drop sonata intl
#567 opened by core23 - 2
Drop swiftmailer
#568 opened by core23 - 2
Cannot remove "Comments" from menu
#649 opened by kyeno - 2
Error Date format new Post page
#466 opened by franckentien - 4
The child node "default_formatter" at path "sonata_formatter" must be configured
#533 opened by kniziol - 1
Internationalizated Routing
#551 opened by jessequinn - 1
Support for trackback / pingback
#297 opened by core23 - 8
Post parameter looks wrong
#401 opened by codebach - 5
No metadata found for property `Applcation\Sonata\NewsBundle\Entity\Post::$tags`. Please make sure your Doctrine mapping is properly configured.
#385 opened by jfabredisko - 1
Remove id from model classes
#519 opened by core23 - 10
CKEditor news configuration
#482 opened - 9
- 5
- 5
Doctrine Mapping seems to be broken
#517 opened by FlorianKromer - 1
- 16
Disqus integration
#255 opened by sagikazarmark - 0
Disable comments completely
#291 opened by 84pixels - 4
Not working with Symfony 4
#450 opened - 0
Pagination prev-next page link swap.
#454 opened by moshenskyDV - 2
- 1
- 1
- 1
Auto-save feature
#295 opened by vviippola - 18
Additional blocks
#256 opened by sagikazarmark - 4
Unknown function sonata_block_render_event
#338 opened by bizmate - 9
Template is not defined.
#373 opened by 5-digits - 4
Error when saving new comment in front-end
#433 opened by msalmikais - 10
- 7
Newsbundle incompatible with Admin 3.X
#301 opened by sujayjaju - 4
Symfony 3 support
#348 opened by artursvonda - 2
- 4
- 1
- 1
Unable to Create new Post
#368 opened by 5-digits - 3
Overriding templates
#349 opened by ebrost - 23
API Error: getPostsAction returns empty
#253 opened by delineas - 5
- 1
Installation problem
#280 opened by ymdomenech - 1
Only filtered tag showing when filtering by tag
#268 opened by liquorvicar - 1
Overriding Templates
#300 opened by sujayjaju - 1
Documentation is broken
#293 opened by core23 - 1
After installation, route 'admin_sonata_news_post_create' not found. There is no such route.
#290 opened by idchlife - 1
Error: Argument 2 passed to PostController::renderArchive() must be of the type array, object given
#284 opened by Neodork - 5
renderArchive type mismatch
#271 opened by StephanePate - 5 or CHANGELOG.txt file
#260 opened by core23 - 6
Fix deprecated settings method on block service
#247 opened by soullivaneuh