
using TensorFlow to develop, train, and make predictions with models in various fields. Topics like linear regression, neural networks, and high-level APIs in TensorFlow.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


Not long ago, cutting-edge computer vision algorithms couldn't differentiate between images of cats and dogs. Today, as a computer science student passionate about art and psychology, I've harnessed the power of TensorFlow 2.6 to develop, train, and make predictions with the very models that have driven significant advancements in recommendation systems, image classification, and FinTech.

In this course, I've delved into both high-level APIs, allowing me to design and train deep learning models with just 15 lines of code, and low-level APIs, enabling me to go beyond off-the-shelf routines. This hands-on experience has equipped me to accurately predict housing prices, credit card borrower defaults, and even classify images of sign language gestures, all through the power of data and machine learning.


Course Material
