
A Swiss-Army-Knife for manipulating phylogenetic trees

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

TreeSAK (A Swiss-Army-Knife for phylogenomic analysis)

pypi licence pypi version


  • Dr. Weizhi Song
  • Department of Ocean Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
  • E-mail: songwz03@gmail.com


  1. TreeSAK has been tested on Linux/Mac, but NOT yet on Windows.

  2. TreeSAK is implemented in python3, you can install it with pip3:

    # for the first time installation
    pip3 install TreeSAK
    # for updating
    pip3 install --upgrade TreeSAK

TreeSAK modules

             ...::: TreeSAK v1.45.5 :::...

   ExtractMarkerSeq       ->  Extract marker by blastn  
   deltall                ->  Parse stdout of deltaLL.rb
   get_arCOG_seq          ->  Retrieve arCOG sequences
   AssessMarkerPA         ->  Assess Markers by P/A among groups
   SplitScore             ->  Assess markers by split score
   AssessMarkerDeltaLL    ->  Assess Markers by DeltaLL
   OMA                    ->  Prepare input files for running OMA 
   OMA2                   ->  Filter OMA predicted OGs

Multiple Sequence Alignment
   BMGE                   ->  Run BMGE
   pruneMSA               ->  Prune MSA with alignment_pruner.pl
   recodeAA               ->  Recode amino acids to Dayoff 4, Dayoff 6 or SR4 categories
   fa2phy                 ->  Convert MSA format (fasta to phylip)
   SliceMSA               ->  Slice MSA by column
   ConcateMSA             ->  Concatenate MSAs
   ConvertMSA             ->  Convert MSA format
   OneLineAln             ->  One-line fasta format alignments
   SingleLinePhy          ->  Put sequences in single line in phylip format
   CS_trim                ->  (to be added) perform chi-squared trimming to reduce compositional heterogeneity
   gap_stats              ->  The percentage of gap in each sequence of a MSA

   iTOL                   ->  Prepare iTOL files
   iTOL_gene_tree         ->  Genome metadata to gene metadata
   PB                     ->  Infer tree with PhyloBayes-MPI 
   supertree              ->  Infer species tree from gene trees 
   AssessPB               ->  Compare PhyloBayes chains
   MarkerSeq2Tree         ->  Marker sequence to tree
   MarkerRef2Tree         ->  Marker (reference sequence) to Tree
   GTDB_tree              ->  Get GTDB tree
   subset                 ->  Subset tree
   TaxonTree              ->  Subset GTDB tree by taxon
   compare_trees          ->  Compare trees with Mantel test
   rename_leaves          ->  Rename tree leaves
   print_leaves           ->  print out tree leaves
   FLN                    ->  Format leaf names (e.g. remove spaces in names)
   ModifyTopo             ->  Modify tree topology
   GeneRax                ->  (to be added) Run GeneRax    
   ALE                    ->  Modules for running ALE
   FunTree                ->  Infer tree for individual COG/KEGG function
   RootTree               ->  Root tree with outgroup leaves
   RootTreeGTDB214        ->  Root tree by GTDB taxonomy (r214)
   RootTreeGTDB220        ->  Root tree by GTDB taxonomy (r220)
   LcaToLeaves            ->  Get two leaves that define an internal node
   replace_clade          ->  Replace tree clade
   PMSF                   ->  run iqtree with PMSF
   PPA                    ->  (to be added) Perform Posterior Predictive Analysis (across-site)
   dating                 ->  Perform molecular dating
   AssessCVG              ->  Assess dating convergence
   CompareMCMC            ->  Compare MCMCTree outputs
   PlotMcmcNode           ->  distribution of node's age estimation 
   VisHPD95               ->  HPD95 of estimated node age
   pRTC                   ->  Perform probabilistic RTC dating
   mcmcTC                 ->  adding time constraints to mcmctree tree
   mcmc2tree              ->  get the tree with internal node id from mcmctree output

Phylo-related stats
   PhyloBiAssoc            ->  A wrapper for binaryPGLMM test