- 0
Generator and discriminator schedule
#77 opened by jkdev100 - 0
GAN training example
#76 opened by wendlerc - 1
- 0
MAE increasing when training!
#74 opened by DISAPPEARED13 - 15
Why Discriminator Loss 0 is a failure mode ?
#36 opened by arijitx - 3
Generator ADAM X Discriminator SGD
#48 opened by nuneslu - 0
#73 opened by Blakey-Gavin - 0
Tricks to sharpen GAN's synthesis
#72 opened by DISAPPEARED13 - 1
Dose it need to transfer pretrained discriminator when transfer learning for GAN?
#69 opened by micklexqg - 2
Need help in understanding #1 and #16
#56 opened by miqbal23 - 0
Reference for trick#16
#68 opened by shaurov2253 - 3
Unexplainable GAN losses, need help
#57 opened by lennert130994 - 3
Why "Construct different mini-batches for real and fake, i.e. each mini-batch needs to contain only all real images or all generated images"?
#52 opened by mrgloom - 1
> @KrnTneja : Thanks for your tricks. Could you provide any code to do it? I also meet the problem of loss D goes to zero
#67 opened by shaurov2253 - 0
Discriminator loss of WGAN-gp drop sharply to zero
#66 opened by AboMad - 1
Hacks relevancy in 2020
#64 opened by phillipiv - 0
balance loss maybe is good idea?
#65 opened by Oktai15 - 2
- 0
Understand #10
#63 opened by fantasy-fish - 1
- 0
Paper / talk associated?
#62 opened by cossio - 5
Validate a GAN
#22 opened by dantp-ai - 10
for GAN ,why my D loss is increse,and G loss decrease to 0 at the begining
#29 opened by hefeiwangyande - 5
Discriminator with accuracy 1, generator fools it perfectly. What's going on?
#45 opened by danielegrattarola - 0
- 0
- 3
How to handle failure mode
#40 opened by solomatov - 3
Question: Any interest in putting together a premium version for sale on SugarKubes?
#54 opened by wrannaman - 2
- 0
label smoothing one-sided?
#53 opened by makeyourownalgorithmicart - 5
Standard G & D Loss Values & Trends?
#46 opened by James-G-Hill - 0
Regarding sampling image in batches
#51 opened by miqbal23 - 1
not working in trick 13: adding gaussian noise to every layer of generator
#26 opened by danielkaifeng - 0
- 1
Regarding 13: Add noise to inputs...
#39 opened by vmvargas - 0
G is always really smaller than D
#47 opened by kristosh - 1
There is no source that has empirically demonstrated a positive effect of replay buffer on GAN training
#31 opened by AranKomat - 2
Discriminator accuracy: 0.5 on average, but collapsed into 0 for negative samples and 1 for positive samples
#44 opened by danielegrattarola - 0
- 0
Label smoothing
#41 opened by knazeri - 0
Saturation of G_loss and D_loss
#38 opened by rishabhkumar296 - 0
- 0
Alternating training vs. DCGAN?
#35 opened by meder411 - 2
Feasible loss simplification?
#33 opened by florian-boehm - 2
Trick 11: How to schedule thresholds A and B?
#23 opened by benstaf - 0
about generator loss
#32 opened by fsalmasri - 1
Replace BatchNorm with WeightNorm
#24 opened by andyli - 3
Update tips for WGANs
#27 opened by ndahlquist - 0
measuring quality
#30 opened by malie - 3
Sampling from a sphere instead of a cube
#28 opened by mgarbade