
Hi There! This is a simple education related app that I made using React JS, React Bootstrap, raw JavaScript and CSS3. I have fetched data through my own made JSON server. Here is the functionality is given below.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Enlighten Institute React




Nafi Mahmud

Hi There! This is a simple education related app that I made using React JS, React Bootstrap, CSS3. I have fetched data through own made JSON server. Here are the functionality given below.

About App

➊ In this site we release our latest courses regarding web development, basic programming and math.
➋ We assign students from different regions of the world.
➌ Each course is online.
➍ Course period is around 2-8 months.
➎ React Router has been implemented in this site.
➏ Extra details and description of each Course has been shown though their id using Dynamic Routing.
➐ Dynamic review rating system has been implemented.
➑ Students review stats (Dynamic React-Rating) has been given