A professional web developer graduated with BSc in CSE from American International Univerisity-Bangladesh. Linkedin:
www.aiub.eduDhaka, Bangladesh
Pinned Repositories
This is a simple app created using MERN (React as client-side; Express, Node as server-side and MongoDB as a database). Here I implemented the CRUD application and Real-time Login Registration system with Email, Google and Github using Firebase. Check it out!
Hello there! I have made a simple app using React JS, React-Bootstrap, Material UI and JSON server, where I implemented a login-registration system using Firebase (login with password oAuth, Facebook, GitHub, google) Firebase React-Router, Context-API, Custom-Hooks, Private Route. Hope it would helpful for the beginners. Check it out!
A management app for the customers, sales, vendors as well as admin panel, made with growing PHP framework Laravel. Feel free to check the source code.
A management app for the flat-owners and flat-renters, made with PHP-JavaScript-MySQL
E-Pay, a payment app for the customers, made with growing PHP framework Laravel. Feel free to check the live site as well as the source code. E-Pay is a financial service in Bangladesh that allows users to make financial transactions through their mobile phones. More than depositing money into your mobile accounts, you can also access a range of services, particularly transferring and receiving money domestically. You can also use the website to make payments for your utilities, such as mobile bills—both prepaid and postpaid.
Hi! I've built up a simple Windows desktop application with SQL Database for library management, based on .NET C# language for fun purpose. Hope, it would be beneficial for the beginners
Official Website of Nafi Mahmud
This is a simple app that I made using React JS, Firebase Authentication system where I implemented login with Google and Github. I did it using both ways, with and without localStorage. Check this exciting mini project that would be helpful for beginners!
E-Pay, a payment app for the customers, made with React as Front End and Laravel framework as server-side Back End application. MySQL Database has been used. Feel free to check source code. E-Pay is a financial service in Bangladesh that allows users to make financial transactions through their mobile phones. More than depositing money into your mobile accounts, you can also access a range of services, particularly transferring and receiving money domestically. You can also use the website to make payments for your utilities, such as mobile bills—both prepaid and postpaid.
This is a simple calculator made with Tailwind CSS. All credits go to me
sourcecodebd's Repositories
This is a simple app that I made using React JS, Firebase Authentication system where I implemented login with Google and Github. I did it using both ways, with and without localStorage. Check this exciting mini project that would be helpful for beginners!
Hello there! I have made a simple app using React JS, React-Bootstrap, Material UI and JSON server, where I implemented a login-registration system using Firebase (login with password oAuth, Facebook, GitHub, google) Firebase React-Router, Context-API, Custom-Hooks, Private Route. Hope it would helpful for the beginners. Check it out!
This is a simple app created using MERN (React as client-side; Express, Node as server-side and MongoDB as a database). Here I implemented the CRUD application and Real-time Login Registration system with Email, Google and Github using Firebase. Check it out!
This is a simple eCommerce Project made with React JS, Context-API, Custom-Hook, Firebase, Material UI, React Bootstrap and Custom CSS3. Here I implemented a simple operation (Add-To-Cart and Remove from Cart, Showing food details) using fake JSON data and Open Food API and Login-Registration system (login with Google, Github, Email). Check this exciting project right now!
Hi! I have made a simple food API related app using React JS, JavaScript, CSS3, Bootstrap. Here People can search food by name, click to check information. Carousel has been used in this project. Check it out now!
Hi There! This is a simple Camera Selling and Delivery related app that I made using React JS, JWT Token, Firebase, NodeJs as server side, Mongodb as database, Context API, Custom Hook, Material UI, React Bootstrap, CSS3. Here are the functionality given below.
Hi! I have made a simple API regarding car services. Check it out for your practice! Live-Link:
In this React app, I have implemented a simple add-product-to-cart system, calculating total price using reduce method, storing fetched fake data (loaded from JSON server) in localStorage. Hope it would be helpful for the beginners. Check it out!
Simple Doctors-Patient Related site using MERN, Firebase 0Auth (Login with Facebook, Email), Material UI. Check it out!
This is a simple API for e-commerce related React project Live-Link:
This is a simple JSON data that I made for the people who need to practice API related works, Check it out!
Hi There! This is a simple employee assigning related app that I made using React JS, CSS3. I have fetched data through my own made JSON server. Here is the functionality is given below.
Hi There! This is a simple education related app that I made using React JS, React Bootstrap, raw JavaScript and CSS3. I have fetched data through my own made JSON server. Here is the functionality is given below.
This is my first app made of React JS, where data has been fetched from Typicode Users API. I made it for practice and fun purposes. Check this out!
Hi There! This is a simple Food Delivery related app that I made using React JS, Firebase, NodeJs as server-side, MongoDB as database, Context API, Custom Hook, Material UI, React Bootstrap, CSS3. Here is the functionality is given below.
This is a simple app made with React JS, Material UI, React Bootstrap, Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS all combined. I have given a short example of React Routing, Searching feature for beginners. Check it out!
I have made JS Dude clone using React JS, and raw CSS3, Check it out!
Hi! This time I have modified my previous version of MealDB React app. I implemented search dynamically setting searched text into API URL. This was a simple food API related app using React JS, JavaScript, CSS3, Bootstrap. Here People can search food by name, click to check information. Carousel has been used in this project. Check it out now!
This is a simple API for health-care-related React project Medicare Center. Live-Link:
Hi There! This is a simple health-related app that I made using React JS, Material UI, React Bootstrap, CSS3. I have fetched data through my own made JSON server. Here is the functionality is given below.
This is a simple custom API for the beginners. Try it out!
Hi! I have made a simple app for navigating more than 250 countries information using React JS and Rest-Countries-API. Check it out!
Hello, I have made a simple Node-Express app integrated with React JS. Here I receive an array of objects using get a request from server-side Nodejs, then set that data in React app and also add new data and send that data using post request to Server-side. Then Server-side modified that new data coming from post request and includes in that existing array of objects. And Finally, data gets updated.
I have made a simple tech-related blog site using React JS and self made API. Live site link has been given. Check this exciting super-duper blog!
Hi, I have made a simple app using React JS, where I have implemented simple API related work, fetched data from To-Do Open API and differentiated them according to their state, shown ratings (using React-Rating), finished and unfinished task and their details separately using React Router DOM. Also shown their information through bar chart using React Rechart Used Material UI, Tailwind CSS, React Bootstrap and custom CSS as Design framework. Check it out!
Hi there! I have made a simple app using Reactjs, CSS3 and fake JSON data. Here I made a little blog regarding What is React JS, gave a short brief about how React functional component works, lifecycle of class components, rendering data, hooks, NPM, CLI, JSX, Webpack-Babel Compiler, React virtual DOM, Props vs States, Difference between Stateless and Stateful components. Hope Beginners will find it helpful, Happy coding!