
This is simple search engine made for books found around the world using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap & JavaScript where I have fetched the searched data of the books through open-book-API (link given in the code); such as no. of books available for a topic, books information regarding author name, publishing years, descriptions about the books etc. I have tried to make it look and work like Google. Though No one can beat the technologies of the giant company! Feel free to check this out, hope it would be helpful for the beginners!

Primary LanguageJavaScript





Nafi Mahmud

This is simple search engine made for books found around the world using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap & JavaScript where I have fetched the searched data of the books through open-book-API (link given in the code); such as no. of books available for a topic, books information regarding author name, publishing years, descriptions about the books etc. I have tried to make it look and work like Google. Though No one can beat the technologies of the giant company! Feel free to check this out, hope it would be helpful for the beginners!