
cannot load new firmware

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I tried to load firmware according to instructions on openscale page but all i get is "no matching function for HX711" (i think i got the libraries right)
I followed instructions described on openscale page but still don't manage to get it work.
I'm not familiar with coding so much that i could find the problem from the code right away.
Just need openscale for hobby project.

Please post the errors from the Arduino IDE if possible. "No matching function for HX711" sounds like a library issue. Be sure to grab the latest from

Yes it is probably some error with the library. I used links on openscale instructions page. Thanks I'll try that link also.( Tried but same error, i cannot pinpoint what i'm doing wrong)

The error message is:

Instructions page:

Fooey. Looks like @bogde may have changed how the library works a few days ago and broken all existing sketches.

Checkout their new example here.

I suspect you will need to change a few lines of OpenScale:

HX711 scale;

and in setup add:

scale.begin(DAT, CLK);

I don't have hardware available atm but will update firmware in the coming days.

I pushed a new version. Please kick the tires and let me know if you still have issues. The changes I made simply make the code compile, no function changes.