
new feature

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I love this project. Thank you all for the fine work and attention to detail. My name is Virgil Feathers 63 years old Tech(

I noticed you utilize the I2C port of the processor used on the open scale project. Might I suggest adding a header on the board.
An external connection the this port would allow use of the serial(I2C) digital readout utilizing the fine Arduino library already available.
with this simple mode you could display weight and temperature on a local readout and with the addition of some button inputs, the display could provide user feedback for calibration in a self contained system. You already provide an rs232 style serial out, so these mods would give your open scale the full suite of features available with commercial scales. A more comprehensive firmware would even allow using such a system for parts counting.

I have purchased two of your boards and will experiment as described as time allows. I wish your team all the best, and stand in awe
of all your accomplishments too date.

Virgil Feathers