
checklist v03 (round 2)

lewispg228 opened this issue · 2 comments

  1. Does every part have a PROD_ID? [NO]
    comment: JP4, JP6

  2. Is trace routing up to spec? (to/from center-points, straight lines, 45 angles, 'T' intersections, no right angles or acid traps) [NO]
    comment: acid traps off of R3, F1, JP7

  3. Are all labels lined up properly? [NO]
    comment: Is there anything we can do to clear up any confusion about top labels for the screw terminals mis-aligning with the pth headers?

  1. I just talked with Grusin a bit about the CTS pin (on the FTDI header). It is best practice to ground CTS on the FTDI basic header pin. This is what we've been doing for years on many other products too (e.g. pro mini).

I went through your python review script. My output is below.

  1. Fixed.

  2. Fixed

  3. I did a bit of touch up but adding more silk is going to cause more confusion than it fixed. Good enough for now.

  4. Fixed.

  5. Are opposing 0.1 inch headers spaced to fit into a breadboard? [NO]
    comment: This is an off the shelf product not meant for BB.

  6. Is it the standard I2C footprint used (GND/VCC/SDA/CLK)? [n/a]
    comment: No I2C connector exposed.

  7. Are there pin labels on both sides of the board? [NO]
    comment: Sort of. Not needed on the top for the 0.1 connectors.