An R package to compute spatial early-warning signals of ecosystem degradation
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Improve the FAQ
#99 opened by alexgenin - 4
Consider adding a function to specify the neighbourhood used to define a cluster
#114 opened by Ashishk6564 - 1
#110 opened by alexgenin - 5
- 11
Consider adding the LSW patch size distribution
#112 opened by knstr - 1
Allow plotting { obs indic value - null indic value }
#113 opened by alexgenin - 0
Add fractal maps as null models
#115 opened by alexgenin - 3
Spectrum shape
#111 opened by alexgenin - 1
how can i use the plot_distr function to change the xlabel and ylabel and change the title?
#109 opened by chenzheng1996 - 0
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Moran's I can produce out of range values
#105 opened by alexgenin - 2
Use format.pval to display P-values
#104 opened by alexgenin - 1
Update indictest doc
#103 opened by alexgenin - 3
EWS on subset data
#100 opened by slarge - 0
Document `*_sews` objects
#98 opened by alexgenin - 3
Add variogram-based indicators
#85 opened by alexgenin - 1
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Minor issue in flow length documentation
#97 opened by alexgenin - 1
spatialwarningsGis and raster conversion
#101 opened by alexgenin - 5
calculate spatial warnings on raster dataset
#82 opened by SophieSt - 4
Prepare for a release before 2020-05-07
#95 opened by alexgenin - 4
Rethink null-model computation
#94 opened by alexgenin - 0
Run examples
#96 opened by alexgenin - 1
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Reorganize the documentation
#93 opened by alexgenin - 2
Buttita et al's Extreme Value Distribution
#75 opened by alexgenin - 5
Connectivity measures
#80 opened by alexgenin - 1
Change structure of variogram_sews objects
#92 opened by alexgenin - 1
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Use future_lapply instead of mclapply
#89 opened by alexgenin - 1
Defunct *_spews functions
#90 opened by alexgenin - 1
Consider deprecating indicator_* functions
#91 opened by alexgenin - 1
Rename some arguments in indictest
#88 opened by alexgenin - 1
Add tests for Kolmogorov complexity
#84 opened by alexgenin - 4
Kolmogorov complexity
#76 opened by alexgenin - 2
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Custom indicator and anonymous functions
#79 opened by alexgenin - 2
skip NA's in dataset
#83 opened by SophieSt - 1
References update
#72 opened by alexgenin - 0
Indicators for periodic patterns
#78 opened by alexgenin - 0
Single-value measures of power-law truncation
#77 opened by alexgenin - 2
VGAM now requires R >= 3.4.0
#73 opened by alexgenin - 2
Documentation of patchsizes
#71 opened by skefi - 2
Documentation of patchdistr_spews
#70 opened by skefi - 1
A few things to fix in windows build
#69 opened by alexgenin - 1
[spatial variance] some comments
#66 opened by guttal - 1
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Remove detrending for generic indicators
#67 opened by alexgenin - 1
SDR graph should have points and lines
#65 opened by alexgenin