- 15
Mismatch result?
#27 opened by xooxit - 9
How to increase the performance when there is constraint on MM_TRANSPOSE_A=OFF
#31 opened by charliechou1001 - 5
- 1
#33 opened by CPA872 - 3
- 4
- 23
CMakeList parameter configuration
#28 opened by charliechou1001 - 0
Broken with Vitis 2021.2 and newer
#25 opened by definelicht - 1
Transpose of the input matrix B
#26 opened by charliechou1001 - 1
Error when "make synthesis" ERROR: [HLS 207-2163] 'bitwidth' attribute requires integer constant between 1 and 4096 inclusive
#24 opened by Runbang - 1
No platform found in path
#23 opened by charliechou1001 - 4
- 3
undefined reference to cblas_sgemm
#22 opened by arrow53 - 6
CMake for Vivado_HLS
#19 opened by prachikashikar - 15
Support for edge platform
#13 opened by mbaharan - 2
Half precision support
#18 opened by xooxit - 1
- 9
"Failed to initialize device memory."
#15 opened by fedefavaro - 1
CMake fails at `target_compile_definitions`
#16 opened by fedefavaro - 0
Syntax of command line options changed
#9 opened by definelicht - 1
cmake message typo
#12 opened by salehjg - 1
precondition checking
#11 opened by salehjg - 1
- 7
How to build GEMM on zcu102 platform
#7 opened by yangjing69 - 1
- 0
Incorrect precondition checking
#6 opened by HPC-Ken - 0
- 1
Implementation of BLAS compatible GEMM call
#2 opened by HPC-Ken - 1
Documentation needs update
#1 opened by HPC-Ken