Speckle ML demo app (image to pointcloud)

WARNING: This repo is the result of a 1day hackathon and is very unstructured.

Description of directories:

  • python-connect: quick proof of concept way of sending pointclouds to a speckle server
  • web-app: The frontend Vue app
  • server: The final backend (includes a copy of the built frontend, for serving)

The server directory started with a clone of the ML model repository that can be found at https://github.com/ialhashim/DenseDepth

In there, there are some extra files that were added/modified:

  • cherry.py - the startup script for this app
  • run.py - edited from a previous script - the pre-processing and post-processing logic
  • sp.py - utility to send pointclouds to a speckle server
  • Dockerfile - for building a docker image with this app
  • Makefile - build and run commands for easily build and run the docker image

To build the app:

  • go into the server directory
  • follow the instructions in the original README.md to download the NYU pretrained model.
  • run make build
  • edit Makefile to include your config
  • run make run