Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Network with Deep Seeded Region Growing (CVPR 2018).
- ChuChuIgbokweBay Area, California
- DeepTrialBilibili Corp. | AI Platform
- EnQing626Carleton U
- eugenelawrence
- fighterstz
- galoiszhang
- hbk16
- JackieZhangdxZhejiang University
- JiasiWang
- jizongFoxEcole de technologie superieure (ETS) @LIVIAETS
- kevinlee9Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- KunpengLi1994Boston, USA
- kunzhanLanzhou University
- liviust@AIMultimediaLab
- mati1994aliyun
- meetpsMountain View, CA
- MinglangQiaoBUAA
- philferriereFreelance
- PkuRainBowSeniorResearcher@MicrosoftResearch
- ppengtangAmazon Web Services
- ppfeng
- rinawhale
- RongchangZhaoCentral South University, China
- rsingla92University of British Columbia
- southnxBeijing
- speedinghzlHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- tonysyShanghai AI Lab
- vivi0907
- WonderingWJ
- wondervictorHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- xtudbxkHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- yawudede
- youngfly11ShanghaiTech
- zchrissirhczHangZhou, China
- Zhangjing520
- zijundengSouth China University of Technology