- 0
Does electrumx support ltc or eth?
#195 opened by Jamiejoin - 1
How to check connectin woth CURL ?
#185 opened by namuyan - 1
Electrum server not working - log report
#196 opened by viperperidot - 0
#194 opened by Manny27nyc - 0
Wallet server
#193 opened by saosatoshinho - 1
- 1
irc: disconnected
#192 opened by LightBurdenOfficial - 1
- 1
missing db dump
#190 opened by jlopp - 1
Install Electrum Server
#189 opened by wowficcion - 0
#188 opened by atraderdev1 - 0
[18/11/2017-14:59:05] ERROR: cannot parse b803cffc9b4c347e1cfba6db9e73b5ac056634b28a840bce6a7d6cff61fcec26
#187 opened by yakushevt - 1
electrum-server start problem
#180 opened by freshonline - 0
- 1
who can help me modify the electrum-server code for my coin, I will pay you by bitcoin
#182 opened by ywzqhl - 2
electrum-server don't start
#181 opened by freshonline - 4
Regtest mode
#179 opened - 2
- 2
More guidance for indexing in memory.
#168 opened by nathaniel-mahieu - 2
Documentation forgets to refer to bdb 4.8?
#176 opened by greenmo000 - 24
- 1
cannot reach bitcoind... after electrum start
#175 opened by lahlor - 0
add arguments to electrum-server script to restart/start/stop threads separately
#171 opened by gits7r - 4
How to run two electrum servers on the same vps?
#167 opened by vetal20600 - 2
[10/08/2016-10:26:35] blockchain reorg 814694 1951b49df1643fc76b15b849a292089ccea8604399f9da0caf53c3a27ce2a51e 6565fa408997fce841e40177403fd69889dd1600cde85809f033511d4f7e5d41
#166 opened by jackchen1999888 - 1
[09/08/2016-00:00:41] blockchain reorg 813546 2e8e66b178b748911c72a4f4ab5bef66b4db64ce892ee5dbff83e90a0488dd3a 1b0a7a32cd9934efbabb71670c65784663ab94b15aaadd5ea4f43b5dcb8cb78c
#165 opened by jackchen1999888 - 0
Configure script not working
#164 opened by UniQredit - 17
Server doesn't accept new connections after a while
#132 opened by bauerj - 2
Use ZMQ to monitor events from blockchain
#160 opened by doc-hex - 6
No lru_cache available
#159 opened by jackchen1999888 - 4
ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero
#154 opened by webdawg - 3
TypeError while joining irc
#153 opened by reinefjord - 2
Allow IRC client binding to specific IP
#150 opened by mlapaglia - 1
features: IRC sasl login
#144 opened by justinvforvendetta - 21
- 4
Open assets
#152 opened by off-bank - 3
Improve Server Discovery
#146 opened by OverlordQ - 5
blockchain.address.get_balance takes array of strings but only works with 1 argument
#143 opened by lclc - 3
Feature request: Anonymize logging
#120 opened by shsmith - 12
Server Uses Excessive CPU Power
#121 opened by tl121 - 15
- 2
SSL cert change breaks connection for clients who connected before with the older cert
#113 opened by gits7r - 1
Server keeps dying since the last stress test attack
#131 opened by Thireus - 1
Electrum server pruning stuck to block 227225
#127 opened by santzi - 1
Non-deterministic ordering of address history
#123 opened by kyuupichan - 1
Server seems to be unable to open sockets
#119 opened by bauerj - 2
- 4
Thread Exception When building database
#105 opened by OverlordQ - 7
Install / configure process needs additional file limit settings for ubuntu >= 14.04
#104 opened by neocogent - 7
Single misbehaving client can stall poller
#106 opened by shsmith