Asymmetric Certified Robustness via Feature-Convex Neural Networks

This code accompanies our paper:

Asymmetric Certified Robustness via Feature-Convex Neural Networks
Samuel Pfrommer*, Brendon G. Anderson*, Julien Piet, Somayeh Sojoudi
37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023).



This code has been tested on Python 3.7.5 and Python 3.10.12. It is easiest to reproduce using virtualenvwrapper. After creating the virtual environment, simply run bash, which will install the required packages. In case of changes breaking backwards compatability, exact package versions that should work are recorded in requirements_freeze.txt.

Reproducing the convex combination experiments in Appendix C requires a working MOSEK install and license as documented here -- this license is freely available for academic researchers.

Key implementations

The base class for all convexly certified methods lies in convexrobust/model/, with specific subclass instantiations lying in convexrobust/model/insts/ The file convexrobust/model/ contains implementations of ICNN MLPs and convnets.


To reproduce the main experiments of the paper, cd to the convexrobust/main directory and run python --data=mnist_38 --train, where the data option is one of mnist_38, fashion_mnist_shirts, malimg, or cifar10_catsdogs. The figure papers can then be produced with python --data=mnist_38 --labels=mnist_38_paper (change accordingly) and should lie in convexrobust/main/figs/.

To reproduce the convex combination experiments, enter the scripts/misc directory and execute and The same directory also contains the malimg multiclass experiments and the mnist sweep experiments from the Appendix.

For convenience, scripts/misc/ contains a minimal script to train and certify a convex network.

Running linf-distance nets

To compare against $\ell_{\infty}$-distance nets, first activate your virtual environment. Then ensure that the CUDA_HOME environment variable is set to your cuda install, and run the following:

cd lib/linf_dist
python install --user
pip install -e .

Note that by default the $\ell_{\infty}$-distance net comparisons are commented out in

Running abCROWN

After running the above, we can execute the $\alpha,\beta$-CROWN verifier, which runs separately. First, install as follows into a separate conda environment:

cd lib/alpha-beta-CROWN
conda env create -f complete_verifier/environment.yml --name alpha-beta-crown
conda activate alpha-beta-crown
conda develop .
cd ../..

Note that we need to run a different setup script to be compatible with the alpha-beta-CROWN package versions.

After the $\alpha,\beta$-CROWN install has finished, simply run bash scripts/abcrown/ from the root directory. The certified will be populated automatically into the appropriate results file. Replotting should then show the abCROWN certified accuracy curve.