- 7
Examples do not work
#154 opened by anuragsr - 6
Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module '/THREE.MeshLine.js' does not provide an export named 'MeshLine'
#103 opened by Charles-Okoni - 4
project is inactive?
#157 opened by trusktr - 3
- 4
- 12
#140 opened by dannoshepard - 0
Can I use this component with ar.js webcam?
#153 opened by AxellH - 0
Meshline to replace LineSegments
#152 opened by PlopTheReal - 0
MeshLineMaterial.copy fails
#151 opened by jiehui-gelement - 4
Incorrect line width in the orthographic projection
#118 opened by aram2k4 - 7
Not consistent line width.
#136 opened by pumanitro - 0
Is there a way to fix how mesh line loads up?
#149 opened by range-et - 5
BufferGeometry need to be called with `new`
#139 opened by tiye - 6
- 0
Bug in perspective camera
#146 opened by TyouKyou - 0
- 0
- 2
- 4
Line disappers as gets zooomed in
#97 opened by kurosh-z - 3
- 0
Low precision on Raycaster
#138 opened by giusepperaso - 0
After a recent update, line width is half, only right half is visible (not obvious)
#137 opened by trusktr - 3
outline pass not work with meshline
#125 opened by ily1437 - 2
ThreeJS r125 is incompatible with MeshLine
#133 opened by Blakeinstein - 1
Confusing result after scaling
#132 opened by JoostvanPinxten - 10
Screen-space projected dashed lines
#130 opened by capr - 3
How dashArray works?
#128 opened by ahsan-sabir - 0
- 0
THREE.Geometry is removed from Threejs v125
#129 opened by xiongbinsh - 0
MeshLineMaterial.copy copy uniforms repeatedly.
#127 opened by shawn0326 - 1
Error in README
#120 opened by samyhocine - 0
Texture Animation
#126 opened by tlfu12344gmail - 1
Error "three.meshline.js:95 ERROR: The BufferArray of points is not instancied correctly." when using BufferGeometry
#124 opened by Bassadin - 0
MeshLineRaycast early exit never enters
#122 opened by opcode1 - 0
Matrix inverse
#121 opened by samyhocine - 0
- 1
- 3
in-range breaking change.
#113 opened by trusktr - 5
Delay when using declarative widthCallback
#116 opened by withintheruins14 - 1
Adding arrow head to the meshline
#115 opened by navinleon - 4
Declarative line widths
#108 opened by neftaly - 0
- 3
Is it possible to use this with InstacedMesh?
#105 opened by trusktr - 2
Annoying shake when camera moves
#98 opened by mertselimb - 0
when camera close to the meshline , the meshline will rotate alone with camera
#112 opened by wemamawe - 7
Repository is unmaintained
#99 opened by eulertour - 3
Break changes between 1.2.0 and 1.2.1
#110 opened by chuxiaonan - 3
Fix warning on "this.geometry.addAttribute( )"
#107 opened by Chrisbright10 - 0
- 1