Lift over is the process of transferring annotations from one genome assembly to another. Usually lift over is done because there is a new, improved genome assembly for the species but good quality annotations (maybe manually curated or experimentally verified) are available on the old assembly.
The idea is simple: align the new assembly with the old one (e.g., with BLAT), process the alignment data to define how a coordinate or coordinate range on the old assembly should be transformed to the new assembly (e.g., as a chain file), transform the coordinates (e.g., with liftOver).
Tools to lift over annotations are available from UCSC-Kent toolkit. flo combines them together into a pipeline that is easy to run, tweak, and extend. Additionally, flo validates and processes the lifted GFF file to ensure the annotations are biologically meaningful, something liftOver doesn't do.
Usage | Approach | Discussion
To use flo
you must have Ruby 2.0 or higher.
wget -c -O flo.tar.gz
tar xvf flo.tar.gz
mv flo-master flo
cd flo
- UCSC-Kent toolkit.
- GNU Parallel - to easily parallelize different steps of flo.
- genometools - to validate, post-process, and extract sequences from the lifted GFF file.
- BioRuby gem - for parse GFF files for post-processing after lift over.
- rake gem - for running the job.
Running scripts/
will install 1-3 into ext/
directory. For
BioRuby gem, please run gem install bio
or sudo gem install bio
Also install 'rake' with gem install rake
or sudo gem install rake
First, copy the example configuration file (opts_example.yaml
) to
cp opts_example.yaml opts.yaml
Then, edit opts.yaml
to indicate: the location of UCSC-Kent toolkit, GNU
Parallel, and genometools; location of source and target assembly in FASTA
format; location of GFF3 file(s) containing the annotations on the source
assembly and number of CPU cores to use.
This will generate a directory corresponding to each GFF file: "input_gff_name-liftover-target_assembly_name".
The above dir contains a similarly named GFF file which is the final output. Additionally, if flo finds a input_gff_name.cdna/cds/pep.fa alongside the input GFF file, flo will automatically generate corresponding FASTA from the lifted annotations and print a comparison summary (how many sequences in input, how many in output, how many identical).
This is done with BLAT. BLAT is fast, but doing a full genome can still take a significant amount of time. So the target assembly is split into chunks of 5k nucleotides. The chunks are then clubbed into "n" groups, depending on the number of CPU cores on the system, and BLATed parallely against the source assembly.
Because it was chunks of the new assembly that was BLATed against the old assembly the alignment coordinates will have to be changed back to how it would look if the entire new assembly were BLATed against the old assembly. This process is called "lift up".
Lift up is done with the liftUp
tool from UCSC-Kent toolkit and with the help
of a lift up (.lft
) file. A lift up file is generated with the -lift
of the faSplit
tool used for chunking and grouping the target assembly.
files containing alignment data from BLAT are converted into a chain
file. This is done with the axtChain
tool. axtChain
finds pairwise
alignments in the psl files (one between the same target and query sequence)
and joins them together, if overlapping and combining them will result in a
higher scoring longer alignment.
The resulting chain files are then sorted, merged, and then split with new assembly as the reference. This bit doesn't make sense to me either, but is important.
The resulting chain file is then "netted" using chainNet
tool. Netting
organizes the chains in a hierarchal collection with the highest-scoring
non-overlapping chains on top, and their gaps filled in where possible by
lower-scoring chains, which in turn may have gaps filled in by lower-level
chains and so on.
The chain file in the previous step is then filtered against the net file obtained above to get a lift over file that can be used for coordinate transformation.
With the above lift over file annotations on the old assembly can be
transferred to the new assembly using liftOver
If lifting annotations in GFF format, one can run into issues like:
- mRNA mapped to different scaffolds.
- mRNA with no CDS.
- CDS with no mRNA.
- Duplicated CDS ids (not sure why this happens).
So the resulting GFF should be processed further.
in itself doesn't do anything new or novel. It merely combines existing
tools into a usable fashion.
We used flo
to migrate to do same species lift over with ~350Mb genome size.
94% of the annotations were mapped to the final assembly. Of the mapped
annotations, 90% were good.
You could convert to GFF or tweak the "lift over" part of flow. If your
annotations are in bed or gp format, you should consider tweaking flo
instead of converting to GFF.
If you want to use BAM format check out CrossMap
Try creating an ooc file.
code was added to the Rakefile that corresponds to the command
sh "blat ../../data/#{source}.fa /dev/null /dev/null" \
" -tileSize=11 -makeOoc=11.ooc -repMatch=100"
# ...
Change the blat options in `opts.yaml` to
"-noHead -fastMap -ooc=run/source.11.ooc -minScore=100 -minIdentity=98" \
Not as it is. But you perhaps reuse the framework and much of the alignment and chaining-netting step. blastz or another may be more suitable instead of blat.