
Problem with Action Client in tree

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I have in my behavior tree, three ActionClient-tree-nodes created from: Behaviors.action_clients.FromConstant(...)
They all use the same topic "my_topic"
They all use the same action_type "my_type"
In my ros-node, an ActionServer is listening for the topic "my_topic", and the type "my_type".

When sending the first goal from the first action-tree-node, everything works and I get "Goal reuqest sent", then "Goal Accepted", followed by "Goal Succeeded", when it completes (i.e. I set in my callback goal_handle.succeed()) and then return Result().

But the second time the Server callback is triggered, the response is just "Goal request sent", then "Cancelling goal". I do not cancel the goal, why is it being cancelled?

Then the third time, the response is just "Goal request sent", with nothing else on the subsequent ticks.

Has someone encountered this?