- 1
page not found in docker guides
#1083 opened by Aminmalek - 1
spring-cloud-2022-0-2-is-available still uses '2022.0.1' release train in the Gradle script
#1082 opened by DevDengChao - 2
- 3
Project tests failing
#1055 opened by PKR96 - 1
Build failure trying to run localhost in sagan-site
#1075 opened by lukzhang - 1
style problem.
#1076 opened by adnanmerrakchi - 6
Invalid link in Spring for Apache Kafka
#1065 opened by chanhyeong - 0
500 error when trying to add 3.0.x generation to Spring REST Docs' support page
#1073 opened by wilkinsona - 1
I can't launch the local host page with db Error.
#1072 opened by letsplay23 - 1
win10. Could not resolve build errors regarding GuideRenderTests, AsciidctorRenderTests. I tested both jdk 11 and 18. Gradle both 7.4.2 and 7.3.1.
#1071 opened by letsplay23 - 2
Toggling dark mode on makes widget text content unreadable due to extremely low contrast ratio (a11y)
#1067 opened by tannerdolby - 1
Pagination of blogs drops category selection
#1068 opened by mminella - 0
Spring Blog Page Navigation not considering year/month/date pattern while navigating
#1070 opened by anbusampath - 0
- 0
- 0
Github box for guides in dark mode is light
#1054 opened by croissant676 - 0
The COPY button covered part of the code snippet
#1058 opened by DevDengChao - 0
Inaccurate visualization for long support periods
#1053 opened by bclozel - 0
API support for updating Project Info
#1052 opened by spencergibb - 2
Update Security Headers
#1035 opened by jzheaux - 1
- 0
Update JDK 11 Reference in Wiki
#1048 opened by IrvinLara9 - 1
NullPointerException in adding samples
#1041 opened by SamirAllahverdi - 0
Blog pagination excludes filters
#1045 opened by Albertoimpl - 2
- 0
Commercial Support policy should be calculated with the effective end of OSS support date
#1043 opened by bclozel - 0
- 5
Gradle source compatibility
#1039 opened by Plat-26 - 6
API Support for creating a Blog Post
#1026 opened by rwinch - 1
Timezone issues publishing blog
#1038 opened by philwebb - 1
Unresolved directive in <stdin> - include
#1034 opened by xehpuk - 2
Can't build master
#1030 opened by smcgow - 1
Trying to to build the project results in this error
#1029 opened by MikeDub1 - 3
Can't clone the project?
#1027 opened by MikeDub1 - 2
API Support for Bearer Tokens
#1025 opened by rwinch - 0
- 2
Allow {version} in the URLS for documentation and javadoc at admin/projects/{project}/releases
#1023 opened by rwinch - 0
Remove missing trainings
#1024 opened by spencergibb - 0
Don't render content images with guides
#1017 opened by bclozel - 0
- 0
- 1
sagan-client:npm_run_build FAILED
#1020 opened by Excelnd - 1
Build failed at "Run the site locally" Section
#1016 opened by Excelnd - 0
- 6
Get same error every time run :sagan-site:bootRun
#1012 opened by jeraldsun - 0
Add a Code of Conduct Page
#1014 opened by rwinch - 0
Add Security Policy Page
#1013 opened by rwinch - 0
- 1
CSS improvements for code samples on the blog
#1010 opened by odrotbohm - 0
Expandable anchors are not expanding on the guides
#1008 opened by benwilcock