- 2
Support ArrayList by default for Quality of life
#1897 opened by yd4011439 - 3
Parsing json reading from object.
#1716 opened by DikenMaharjan - 3
Support Kotlin Multiplatform
#1827 opened by samoylenkodmitry - 1
Is it possible to fail build when KSP is not configured but @JsonClass(generateAdapter = true) is used?
#1778 opened by nacyolsa - 0
Byte Adapters encode wrong Value
#1891 opened by Andy3189 - 1
`JsonAdapter.fromJson` functions are documented as throwing `IOException` but actually throw `JsonDataException`
#1885 opened by Orbar - 0
Moshi Polymorphic adapter fails on Kotlin 2.0 scripts
#1878 opened by franvis - 6
Unexpected signature after migrating to KSP
#1720 opened by FilippoVigani - 1
JDK9 Modules: module reads package com.squareup.moshi from both com.squareup.moshi.adapters and com.squareup.moshi
#1876 opened by unoexperto - 3
KSP2 crash when using @JsonQualifier
#1874 opened by Jean-Daniel - 0
Build software better, together
#1871 opened by andersonguermo - 1
KSP2 throws `NoSuchElementException` for data classes with `@JsonAdapter(generateAdapter = true)`
#1870 opened by Hiraev - 3
Bug with ProGuard and R8
#1818 opened by ArcherEmiya05 - 7
Moshi Codegen doesn't work with OpenAPI 3.1.0
#1861 opened by edharkhimich - 0
`@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)` fails when class has field with type `Array<Array<T>>` with default
#1862 opened by SimoneBari-BS - 4
- 2
KSP2 error "Packages cannot be imported"
#1772 opened by G00fY2 - 1
toJson exception in runtime
#1736 opened by SwimLi - 1
Classes annotated with @JsonClass(generateAdapter = true) are not obfuscated
#1834 opened by sanjeevirajm - 4
Old guava version has security issues
#1712 opened by JWvanV - 2
Out of memory error
#1821 opened by MihirModiIndianic - 1
- 8
Alternative Enum adapter with default value
#1812 opened by nikclayton - 4
Update Okio to 3.4.0 or higher
#1793 opened by nicbell - 12
Undocumented behavior on serialization of non-constructor property with defaults
#1803 opened by marcosalis - 0
- 0
Field serialized despite of the Transient annotation
#1794 opened by alizeec - 1
- 3
warning: Kapt support in Moshi Kotlin Code Gen is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.
#1779 opened by jaredsburrows - 3
Kotlinx collection immutable support
#1739 opened by beigirad - 2
Option/config to force/require `@Json(name = "…")` annotations on all fields ("Strict mode")
#1758 opened by mfederczuk - 0
Parse double to string; Uncontrollable accuracy
#1770 opened by OCNYang - 0
速度这块 没有gson 自动生成的插件快
#1773 opened by NBXXF - 0
- 1
Decompiled code still shows annotated name
#1757 opened by KAPLANDROID - 5
Support Kotlin 1.9.0+
#1738 opened by colintheshots-meetup - 4
JPMS issue with Moshi 1.15.0
#1710 opened by pemistahl - 2
- 1
The first example in Read me file is wrong?
#1745 opened by padrecedano - 0
- 3
Moshi's performance issues
#1734 opened by crowforkotlin - 0
codegen produce error when process generic type with list
#1729 opened by elivish - 2
- 2
How to use MoshiConverterFactory for generic type of model classes in android ?
#1714 opened by GopalLR - 1
Add an ability to set timezone in Rfc3339DateJsonAdapter
#1689 opened by Ekalips - 0
Kapt: KotlinPoetMetadata can't parse with Kotlin 1.8
#1709 opened by zskingking - 2
@Json(name = "key") with KotlinJsonAdapterFactory not working when using kotlin 1.8.x and R8.
#1679 opened by alifTC12 - 1
#1682 opened by KarthikSESA - 2
Could not find the enum entry for
#1678 opened by jiqimaogou - 0
#1672 opened by aiqq