Can't serialize desugared models after updating to Kotlin 1.8.x
szymanskip opened this issue · 2 comments
We have updated our project from Kotlin 1.7.21 to 1.8.21.
After that, we started getting exception when trying to serialize a kotlin data class that holds a property of java.time.LocalDateTime
- we've isolated this as the root cause.
This was tested with moshi versions 1.12.0 and 1.15.0 with the same result.
Other dependencies:
- AGP: 7.3.1
- compile/targetSdk: 34
- minSdk: 24
- desugar lib version: 1.2.3
Model class looks like this
data class Model(
val id: String,
val date: LocalDateTime? = null,
our custom adapter:
internal class LocalDateTimeAdapter {
fun fromJson(dateTime: String): LocalDateTime? =
fun toJson(dateTime: LocalDateTime): String =
and moshi instance:
val moshi: Moshi = Moshi.Builder()
In the result, I am getting this exception
kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KotlinReflectionInternalError: Could not compute caller for function: public constructor Model(id: kotlin.String, date: java.time.LocalDateTime? = ...) defined in com.example.myapplication.Model[DeserializedClassConstructorDescriptor@934d4e5] (member = null)
at kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KFunctionImpl$caller$2.invoke(KFunctionImpl.kt:89)
at kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KFunctionImpl$caller$2.invoke(KFunctionImpl.kt:62)
at kotlin.SafePublicationLazyImpl.getValue(LazyJVM.kt:107)
at kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KFunctionImpl.getCaller(KFunctionImpl.kt:62)
at kotlin.reflect.jvm.ReflectJvmMapping.getJavaMethod(ReflectJvmMapping.kt:63)
at kotlin.reflect.jvm.KCallablesJvm.setAccessible(KCallablesJvm.kt:82)
at com.squareup.moshi.kotlin.reflect.KotlinJsonAdapterFactory.create(KotlinJsonAdapter.kt:230)
at com.squareup.moshi.Moshi.adapter(
at com.squareup.moshi.Moshi.adapter(
at com.squareup.moshi.Moshi.adapter(
From what I understand, Moshi/kotlin-reflect was not able to find a constructor with given signature because the actual signature uses j$.time.LocalDateTime
and not java.time.LocalDateTime
(or the other way around). When the project is built against kotlin 1.7.21, all works fine.
When we get rid of this property from model - it works
When we disable desugaring - it works
Is it a problem with kotlin-reflect/moshi/desugar or our specific setup?
Here is a sample project where it reproduces:
This isn't a Moshi bug. I don't really have a solution for you, it would be better to ask for help on the android issue tracker for how to handle desugared java APIs in reflection.