
Final project for the course - Introduction to Processor Architecture. Built using Xilinx ISE

Primary LanguageVerilog

Two staged pipeline processor based on the MIPS architecture

The aim of this project was to generate a simulate a working 2 staged pipeline processor based on the MIPS ISA. It follows the Princeton Architecture. The processor is capable of performing the following operations:

  1. ADD
  2. ADDI
  3. AND
  4. ANDI
  5. NOR
  6. OR
  7. ORI
  8. SLL
  9. SLLV
  10. SRA
  11. SRAV
  12. SRL
  13. SRLV
  14. SUB
  15. XOR
  16. XORI
  17. SLT
  18. SLTU
  19. SLTI
  20. SLTIU
  21. BEQ
  22. BGTZ
  23. BLEZ
  24. BNE
  25. J
  26. JAL
  27. LB
  28. SB

To be executed, the MIPS instructions have to be loaded into inst_mem (instruction memory). The data memory, reg files can be initialised with custon values.