100 Days Of AWS Challenge

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  • For next 100 days I will follow some course and books to learn about AWS
  • Follow along with me to learn Amazon Web Services (AWS) in details
  • I will update daily progress here share contents, videos and notes

Content to follow up

Day 1 (24 May, 2021) Getting Started with AWS

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Day 2 (25 May, 2021) Permission and Policies

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Day 3 (26 May, 2021) IAM Roles, MFA and Security User Audit

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Day 4 (27 May, 2021) Billing, Budget and EC2

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Day 5 (28 May, 2021) EC2 Security Group, AWS CLI, EC2 Connect

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Day 6 (29 May, 2021) Storage - EBS ( Elastic Block Store)

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Day 7 (30 May, 2021) EFS and Instance Store

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Day 8 (31 May, 2021) Load Balancing - ELB ( Classic and Application)

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Day 9 (01 June, 2021) NLB, Sticky Session and Cross Zone Load Balancing

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Day 10 (02 June, 2021) Auto Scaling and Scaling Policies

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Day 11 (03 June, 2021) Relational Database Serivces (RDS)

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Day 12 (04 June, 2021) Amazon Elastic Cache

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Day 13 (06 June, 2021) Route 53

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Day 14 (06 June, 2021) Routing Policies

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Day 15 (08 June, 2021) Virtual Private Cloud

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Day 16 (08 June, 2021)

Not yet started

Day 17 (09 June, 2021)

Not yet started

Day 18 (10 June, 2021)

Not yet started

Day 19 (11 June, 2021)

Not yet started

Day 20 (12 June, 2021)

Not yet started

Day 21 (13 June, 2021)

Not yet started