Task Management Project


  1. Presentation Service Rest Endpoints: https://github.com/srishti0190/task-management-rest-application
  2. User interface: https://github.com/srishti0190/task-management-app-ui
  3. UI Automation test: https://github.com/srishti0190/task-manager-ui-test
  4. Docker images:
    • bom.ocir.io/bmkvfx57mojv/task-manager-rest-app:0.0.2
    • bom.ocir.io/bmkvfx57mojv/task-manager-ui:0.0.2

Interview Challenge

Dear candidate Welcome to the Java Platform Group interview challenge. Instructions

  1. Please read through the entire challenge sheet before starting. Some of the parts of the challenges are inter-related, and may affect how you approach the problem.
  2. You can use any means in your search for a solution. There are different solutions to solve the problem and you will be expected to justify your engineering choices.
  3. As mentioned in the earlier email, you should have your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Free account ready for this challenge.

Tip: Don’t over-engineer your solution.


• An oracle cloud account. We recommend that you sign up for a trial account with the
free $300 credits (and the free tier resources). We are not able to assist you in
creating / provisioning a new account, or if you have issues accessing the service.

• A GIT repository that you can store your solution and share the link with us.

Challenge 1: Coding and Containerization

This challenge requires you to develop a tasks management system.

  1. A user-interface as shown below (preferably using ReactJS or other similar UI framework)
  2. A CRUD REST service for the task management using Dropwizard (see references below). You can choose any type of data storage for the persistence.
  3. Containerize your UI, REST services into different Docker images.

This challenge is complete if you are able to demonstrate this running locally using Docker.

Challenge 2: Testing for your REST endpoints

Using any testing tools you are familiar with, write a test suite to test the CRUD endpoints and a generate a test reports.

Challenge 3: Testing for UI App

Using any UI Testing framework, write a tests to test UI components for your App

Challenge 4: Running Docker Image on OCI

Deploy and run the application on Oracle Cloud account.

Challenge 5: Documentation

Provide documentation of your solution so that other developers can understand, maintain, run, and deploy it on their own.


  1. Dropwizard (https://www.dropwizard.io/en/latest/index.html)