Authored by Sofia Robb
Works with the Trpdownload_api module to create
- CSV file for download that contains:
- NBCluster Feature uniquename
- NBCluster Feature name
- FASTA file for download that contains
- NBCluster Feature uniquename
- NBCluster Feature name
- NBCluster Feature sequence
To use add the following code to a feature node pane:
Get the query from the form and append to the urls below. This is code from a 'Footer: Global: Text area' in my view.
$url_array = array();
foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
if ( $key != 'q' ){
$parts = preg_split('/\s+/', $value);
$v=join(' ', $parts);
$url_array[] = "$key=$v";
$fasta_url = "/chado/nbcluster/fasta?" . join('&', $url_array);
$csv_url = "/chado/nbcluster/csv?" . join('&', $url_array);
print 'Download Results: <a href="' . $fasta_url . '">FASTA</a> | <a href="' . $csv_url . '">CSV</a><p>';