
Position and attitude drift

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, thanks for your viso2_ros, it's a great job!
Currently, I have some questions of viso2_ros and look forward your support, thanks in advance :-)

My environment: Ubuntu 18.04, ROS Melodic.

My steps and questions:

  • step 1. Download the source code from the default branch kinetic, and run catkin_make.
  • step 2. Use test.bag which downloaded from "", run the demo.launch and the stereo_odometer works well and with no error feedback.
  • step 3. Listen and save the pose x/y/z and roll/pitch/yaw information from rostopic '/stereo_odometer/pose'.
  • - question 1: From the video in test.bag, the road is flat and just have one 90-deg right turn, I know the position and attitude is relative to the camera frame but not the car body frame, but even so, I still think the position and attitude I got with big drift, as below graph of test 1.
  • step 4: repeat steps 2 and 3
  • - question 2: from the result of step 4, I find the position and attitude not only still with big drift, but also with big difference with test 1, as below graph of test 2, I am very confused.
  • - question 3: From the video in test.bag, I find the camera is face to the right side but not forward of vehicle, is it a good/helpful to improve the detection accuracy of algorithm?
  • - question 4: do you have some newer code or advices, need I change some parameters to solve question 1 and 2?

thanks a lot!


good afternoon ysong-aceinna,
I would like to communicate with you to ask some questions about the drift, would you be so kind to provide me with an email where I can communicate with you. thank you very much.