- 2
based at corner feature or optical flow?
#78 opened by Torchmm - 1
compared with orb or surf ,What are the advantages and disadvantages of the feature used in the viso2 library
#79 opened by Torchmm - 4
Create ROS2 and/or dashing-devel branch for ROS2
#73 opened by klintan - 0
position uncertainty
#81 opened by juliana-bastidas - 1
Position and attitude drift
#68 opened by ysong-aceinna - 0
- 3
Release for ROS Melodic
#66 opened by RonaldEnsing - 1
How i can calculate the pitch value?
#76 opened by juniorschen - 2
See features
#55 opened by caiofis - 3
Segmentation Fault
#63 opened by agnostic-apollo - 1
viso2 parameter
#75 opened by florianspy - 5
- 1
- 5
how to apply on carla-ros-bridge
#69 opened by slinshady89 - 0
Viso2_ros camera info doubts
#72 opened by jean821203 - 2
questions of running launch file
#70 opened by ysong-aceinna - 0
viso2 with elas_ros
#62 opened by meixialin - 0
Catkin build uses opencv 2.4.8 instead of 3
#59 opened by muttistefano - 1
- 2
RPI arm compilation
#56 opened by chrissunny94 - 1
Distance between two cameras for stereo setup
#53 opened by chlee0216 - 3
Cannot build viso2
#51 opened by kobylyanskiy - 3
- 1
- 1
#38 opened - 3
Visual odometry lost and Segmantation fault
#36 opened by siddyyagno3 - 28
unrecognized command line option '-msse3'
#35 opened by fangthu - 6
viso2_ros cannot obtain the reconstruction
#52 opened by walkeryu123 - 2
Using viso2 for monocular odometery
#26 opened by staljbs - 5
package interferes with pointgrey cameras
#50 opened by benjaminabruzzo - 1
- 2
Feature Request - ROI suppression
#48 opened by benjaminabruzzo - 4
Memory performance
#47 opened by dawnos - 2
- 5
Camera frames confusion
#45 opened by raultron - 3
mono vo gets poor velocity estimate
#39 opened by fangthu - 1
Can use high distorted lens cam?
#42 opened by JUSTGOM - 3
Pose change without camera movement
#37 opened by niteeshsood - 1
Lot of Features located in edges.
#34 opened by aba92 - 9
VisoInfo.h not built
#20 opened by mikejmills - 4
- 5
Changes on the package name
#30 opened by yanming-zou - 5
running very slow...
#27 opened by antithing - 1
Bag files not accessable
#31 opened by yanming-zou - 2
- 1
Running on ARM
#25 opened by TarekTaha - 1
- 5
Problem running viso2_ros
#24 opened by aba92 - 1
Synchronization Problem
#22 opened by aba92 - 0