viso2_ros cannot obtain the reconstruction
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I am using viso2_ros with ROS indigo, and the demo.launch seems work.
However when I use rviz with PointCloud2(stereo_odometer/point_cloud), I get the Transform error: For frame [stereo_forward_optical]: Frame [stereo_forward_optical] does not exist.
Can you give me some advice to solve this problem? Thanks in advance.
Can you run:
rosrun tf view_frames
and post the tf tree here?
@plnegre Thanks for your help.
Sorry, I do not know how can I change stereo_forward_optical to stereo_forward
What is the frame_id of your images? stereo_forward or stereo_forward_optical? Check it in the header of your image topic.
@plnegre I use test.bag downloaded from and demo.launch in viso2_ros. I do not modify these files. So I think the frame_id is stereo_forward and I do not know why rviz need stereo_forward_optical.
Ok, so in the demo.launch change this:
<param name="base_link_frame_id" value="$(arg camera)"/>
for this:
<param name="base_link_frame_id" value="stereo_forward_optical"/>
@plnegre It works. Thank you for your help!