
Methylation array analysis pipeline for CPTAC

Primary LanguageR

CPTAC Methylation analysis

Author: Sunantha Sethuraman

Author: Wen-Wei Liang


Jun 19, 2019: Version 1.1 released.

  • Reannotated probe by InfiniumAnnotation (Ref 2).
  • Improved filenaming: Adjacent normal were named as .A. Blood normal were named as .N.
  • Improved filenaming: Unique sample ID were added.

May 30, 2018: Version 1.0 released.

  • Probe annotation were liftover to hg38

Run pipeline

## Get file description from github and set up environment 
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ding-lab/CPTAC3.catalog/master/CPTAC3.Catalog.dat
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ding-lab/CPTAC3.catalog/master/BamMap/katmai.BamMap.dat
conda env creat -f methyl-pipeline.yml
conda activate methyl-pipeline

## Make input
python make_pipeline_input.py ${Path to processing folder} ${Batch_name} ${TXT with file names and UUID}

## Softlink IDAT files
for i in `cat ../katmai.BamMap.dat | grep Methylation | awk -F "\t" '{OFS="\t"; print $6}'`; do ln -s $i ${Path to processing folder}; done

## Pipeline
tmux new-session -d -s methylation "source activate methyl-pipeline; Rscript cptac_methylation_v1.1.R ${Path to processing folder} |& tee tmux.methylation.log"

tmux new-session -d -s remapping "source activate methyl-pipeline; Rscript cptac_methylation_liftover.R ${Path to processing folder}/Processed |& tee tmux.mapping.log"

Processing description

The raw data from Illumina's EPIC methylation arrays were available as IDAT files from the CPTAC consortium. The methylation analysis was performed using the cross-package workflow methylationArrayAnalysis available on Bioconductor. In brief, the raw data files IDAT files were processed to obtain the methylated (M) and unmethylated (U) signal intensities for each locus. The processing step included an unsupervised normalization step called functional normalization that has been previously implemented for Illumina 450K methylation arrays (Ref 1). A detection p value was also calculated for each locus, and this p value captured the quality of detection at the locus with respect to negative control background probes included in the array. Loci having common SNPs (with MAF > 0.01), as per dbSNP build 132 through 147 via the UCSC snp132common track through snp147common track, were removed from further analysis. Beta values were calculated as M/(M+U), that is equal to the fraction methylated for each locus. Beta values of loci whose detection p values were > 0.01 were assigned NA in the output file. All loci are annotated with the EPIC Manifest from MethylationEPIC_v-1-0_B2.csv from the zip archive infinium-methylationepic-v1-0-b2-manifest-file-csv.zip from Illumina through the IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICanno.ilm10b2.hg19 package on Bioconductor.

To map EPIC arrays to GRCh38 assembly, all probe are reannotated by annotation information from InfiniumAnnotation (Ref 2) through the following steps:

  1. Getting the annotation information anno/annotation_liftedOver_hg38.txt from IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICanno.ilm10b2.hg19 package using script annotation_liftOver_hg19tohg38.R.
  2. Remapping the probes with GRCh38 information from InfiniumAnnotation using script remapping.py.
  3. Replacing the annotation in output files with the new annotation anno/annotation_remap_hg38.txt generated in step 2. Refer to script cptac_methylation_liftover.R.



  1. Fortin, JP, Aurélie Labbe, Mathieu Lemire, and BW Zanke. 2014. “Functional normalization of 450k methylation array data improves replication in large cancer studies.” Genome Biology 15 (503):1–17
  2. Zhou W, Laird PW and Shen H. 2017. "Comprehensive characterization, annotation and innovative use of Infinium DNA Methylation BeadChip probes." Nucleic Acids Research 45 (4):e22

Sample nomenclature

The samples follow the naming system [SubjectID].[T , N, or A].[SampleID].csv, where T, N, or A specifies whether it is a tumor, blood normal or a tissue normal sample (for example: C3N-01375.T.CPTXXXXXXXXXX.csv). SampleID is a unique identifier of the sample.

Column headding

Column headding of output file is listed below.

Column Content from Illumina EPIC Manifest Status Replacement Content from InfiniumAnnotation
Locus The IlmnID Keep - -
chr Chromosome containing the CpG (Build 37) Replace CpG_chrm Map to Build 38
pos Chromosomal coordinates of the CpG (Build 37) Replace CpG_beg and CpG_end Map to build 38
strand The Forward (F) or Reverse (R) designation of the Design Strand Keep - -
Probe_rs rsid(s) of SNP(s) located in the probe Keep - -
Probe_maf Minor allele frequency of SNP(s) Keep - -
Random_Loci CpG loci chosen randomly by consortium members during the design process are marked “True” Keep - -
Methyl27_Loci CpG’s carried over from the HumanMethylation27 array (92% carryover) Keep - -
Methyl450_Loci CpG’s carried over from the HumanMethylation450 array (94% carryover) Keep - -
UCSC_RefGene_Group_on37 Gene region feature category describing the CpG position, from UCSC. Keep - -
Relation_to_Island_on37 The location of the CpG relative to the CpG island Keep - -
Phantom5_Enhancers_on37 Classifications from the FANTOM 5 enhancers as a low- or high-CpG density region Keep - -
DMR_on37 Differentially methylated regions (experimentally determined) Keep - -
X450k_Enhancer_on37 Predicted enhancer elements as annotated in the original 450K design Keep - -
HMM_Island_on37 Hidden Markov Model Islands. Chromosomal map coordinates of computationally predicted CpG islands Keep - -
Regulatory_Feature_Name_on37 Chromosomal map coordinates of the regulatory feature Keep - -
Regulatory_Feature_Group_on37 Description of the regulatory feature referenced in “Regulatory_Feature_Name” Keep - -
GencodeBasicV12_NAME Target gene name(s), from the basic GENECODE build Replace geneNames Gene models follows GENCODE version 22 (hg38).
GencodeBasicV12_Accession The basic GENECODE accession number(s) of the target transcript(s) Replace transcriptIDs Gene models follows GENCODE version 22 (hg38).
GencodeBasicV12_Group Gene region feature category describing the CpG position, from basic GENECODE Remove - -
GencodeCompV12_NAME Target gene name(s), from the complete GENECODE build Remove - -
GencodeCompV12_Accession The complete GENECODE accession number(s) of the target transcript(s) Remove - -
GencodeCompV12_Group Gene region feature category describing the CpG position, from complete GENECODE Remove - -
DNase_Hypersensitivity_NAME_on37 Chromosomal coordinates of the DNase hypersensitive region from ENCODE Keep - -
DNase_Hypersensitivity_Evidence_Count_on37 Number of supporting experimental evidence for DNase hypersensitive region from ENCODE Keep - -
OpenChromatin_NAME_on37 Chromosomal coordinates of open chromatin region from ENCODE Keep - -
OpenChromatin_Evidence_Count_on37 Number of supporting experimental evidence for open chromatin region from ENCODE Keep - -
TFBS_NAME_on37 Chromosomal coordinates of transcription factor binding site region from ENCODE Keep - -
TFBS_Evidence_Count_on37 Number of supporting experimental evidence for transcription factor bind site region from ENCODE Keep - -
- - Add transcriptTypes gene annotation based on GENCODE v22
- - Add genesUniq gene annotation based on GENCODE v22
- - Add distToTSS gene annotation based on GENCODE v22
- - Add CGI CpG island definition based on UCSC genome browser
- - Add CGIposition CpG island definition based on UCSC genome browser
- - Add mapQ_A mapping quality score, 0-60, with 60 being the best.
- - Add mapQ_B mapping quality score, 0-60, with 60 being the best.
- - Add MASK.mapping whether the probe is masked for mapping reason.
- - Add MASK.typeINextBaseSwitch whether the probe has a SNP in the extension base that causes a color channel switch from the official annotation
- - Add MASK.sub30.copy whether the 30bp 3'-subsequence of the probe is non-unique.
- - Add MASK.extBase probes masked for extension base inconsistent with specified color channel (type-I) or CpG (type-II) based on mapping.
- - Add MASK.snp5.GMAF1p whether 5bp 3'-subsequence (including extension for typeII) overlap with any of the SNPs with global MAF >1%.
- - Add MASK.general recommended general purpose masking merged from "MASK.sub30.copy", "MASK.mapping", "MASK.extBase", "MASK.typeINextBaseSwitch" and "MASK.snp5.GMAF1p"