Amalgamated likelihood estimation (ALE) is a probabilistic approach to exhaustively explore all reconciled gene trees that can be amalgamated as a combination of clades observed in a sample of gene trees. We implement the ALE approach in the context of a reconciliation model (cf. ), which allows for the duplication, transfer and loss of genes. We use ALE to efficiently approximate the sum of the joint likelihood over amalgamations and to find the reconciled gene tree that maximizes the joint likelihood among all such trees.
- 0
- 14
Install error: bpp-phyl required but not found
#27 opened by ssgituser - 1
mpi still required for build
#22 opened by EricDeveaud - 2
geneFamily.treelist format
#21 opened by ucassee - 2
Docker version works on Windows, Compiled version throws NodePException error on Linux
#17 opened by Biogeographer - 1
- 4
Update the docker version?
#29 opened by michoug - 1
Error building docker image
#24 opened by dcarrillox - 2
Error when compiling ALE
#23 opened by 007goodmans - 2
Boost issues in conda
#20 opened by Sebastien-Raguideau - 3
Segmentation fault
#26 opened by Jigyasa3 - 1
genefamily.tree file format
#25 opened by Qiaojilim - 1
could I install ALE using conda?
#19 opened by ShuaiNIEgithub - 3
bpp error in reading species tree
#18 opened by Jigyasa3 - 4
bppexception during consensus tree calculation
#33 opened by 444thLiao - 6
Error when sampling reconciled gene trees
#16 opened by GRealesM - 1
Some problems with ALE
#30 opened by Eco-Luozhh - 1
- 1
Presence probabilities
#35 opened by meiranmeiran - 3
ALEml doesnot generate consensus tree
#34 opened by meiranmeiran - 0
About the aleml algorithm
#14 opened by krishnansandeep1980 - 2
Error, file 1000 does not seem accessible.
#37 opened by Biscuite-wzy - 2
CCPscore returns -inf
#39 opened by Gullumluvl - 1
Support for NHX or RecPhyloXML
#41 opened by Alexggo - 3
Inferred frequencies greater than 1
#38 opened by 473021677 - 3
tau flag not working?
#40 opened by HGord2022 - 0
Some problems with ALE
#31 opened by Eco-Luozhh - 2
- 1
error when computing consensus tree with ALEml
#15 opened by flass - 4
fractionMissing.h is missing
#8 opened by maxemil - 2
- 2
example_data explanations
#7 opened by maxemil - 3
ALE installation
#4 opened by ag8525 - 0
Do we get the same likelihoods as before?
#1 opened by ssolo - 6
ALE installation OpenSUSE 42.2
#6 opened by maxemil - 1
missing file date.cpp
#3 opened by tbigot