Control with Neural Dynamics (CND)

Implementation of "Neural Optimal Control using Learned System Dynamics"

Paper | Video


  1. Clone this repository and navigate to src folder
git clone
cd src
  1. Create a python environment
conda create -n controlenv python=3.10 -y
conda activate controlenv
  1. Install latest pytorch using your system configuration, for example
conda install pytorch pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia
  1. Install the rest of the packages
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Quick start

To use CND, you can run

python --learned_fk --system cartpole --sess cnd_cartpole

which first learns the state transitions of a system, then trains a controller network using the learned system. The checkpoints are saved under logs/cnd_cartpole. Currently supported systems include: 'cartpole', 'acrobot', 'quadrotor'.

To train a controller using a previously learned state transitions network, you can use

python --learned_fk --system cartpole --sess cnd_cartpole --archive_fkmodel logs/cnd_cartpole/systemid_model_f_cartpole_sine.pth

After training, state evolutions using the controller with the neural and true forward kinematics models are saved under the logs directory to result_eval_surrogatefk.pdf and result_eval_truefk.pdf, respectively.

Training on custom systems

To train CND on a custom system,

  • Write down the system equations in src/models/ to generate samples for supervising the state transitions network. Alternatively, you can use a simulator to generate data pairs.
  • Specify the system configuration in src/, including the state and action dimensions, desired state and action in the final timestep, cost function parameters and the distribution to sample initial states from.
  • (Optional) If you would like to test the performance of the controller subject to the true state transitions, implement the system equations in src/control/


This codebase is built on top of the following repositories:

we thank the authors for open sourcing their great work.


If you find our code or paper useful, please consider citing:

  title={Neural optimal control using learned system dynamics},
  author={Engin, Selim and Isler, Volkan},
  booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},