- 2
- 0
- 5
Zed editor using default rubocop settings
#608 opened by LucasKuhn - 1
VSCode extension is labeling basic `else` statements as unexpected tokens, and (incorrectly) invalidating the file
#687 opened by MarchandMD - 5
- 5
- 2
[vscode] Ruby LSP not detecting 'standard' addon?
#666 opened by raybrownco - 3
Suggestion to adjust neovim Wiki
#661 opened by ryabrody - 5
Style/ArgumentsForwarding seems a bit heavy-handed
#612 opened by searls - 2
- 12
- 3
Should we support the `Style/OpenStructUse`?
#649 opened by thijsnado - 1
Line length?
#648 opened by pierry01 - 0
- 4
Thought: Enable trailing commas in Hash Literals (per Ruby 3.1 addition of implicit hash values)
#611 opened by thewatts - 4
Case against AllowForAlignment: false
#594 opened by schmijos - 8
Dealing with Gemfile.lock
#618 opened by whysthatso - 0
- 0
- 1
Ignore --format option when running in LSP mode
#638 opened by searls - 1
ruby-lsp fails to start after 1.37.0
#637 opened by bobmaerten - 3
- 2
- 1
Reasoning decisions behind rules?
#623 opened by dorner - 0
- 3
RuboCop dependency is too loose
#613 opened by searls - 1
Ruby 3.3 support
#603 opened by TastyPi - 2
Any tips about running standard with Ruby 3.4?
#610 opened by stephannv - 6
VSCode is giving me StandardRb issues (expected) and Rubocop issues (unexpected)
#580 opened by germs12 - 5
Removes empty initialize methods: Style/RedundantInitialize: Remove unnecessary empty `initialize` method.
#602 opened by dorianmariecom - 2
add standard formatting using standardrb gem
#604 opened by johnreitano - 9
LSP: Autoformat on save in neovim
#575 opened by mna - 7
- 1
Add Helix to "Editor support" section in README
#595 opened by djpowers - 0
Switches in code vs README
#592 opened by knutsenm - 3
`standardrb --generate-todo` replaces any existing todo file with deltas only
#565 opened by knutsenm - 1
Curious error with 'bundler/inline': Failed loading plugin `standard-custom' because we couldn't determine (RuntimeError) the corresponding plugin class to instantiate.
#591 opened by pblzd - 7
Ruy 3.2 config
#559 opened by pboling - 2
Upgrade to RuboCop 1.57.2 which drops base64
#588 opened by bb - 2
Was indented_internal_methods considered?
#586 opened by duduribeiro - 4
Enable Style/UnlessLogicalOperators
#573 opened by aliismayilov - 10
Error: unrecognized cop or department Standard/BlockSingleLineBraces under rubocop
#569 opened by fidalgo - 1
Could we get reasoning for why some rules that are enabled in RuboCop by default are disabled?
#568 opened by TastyPi - 4
`.yaml` extension not working
#574 opened by krystof-k - 1
Allow Tabs instead of Spaces
#571 opened by rmehner - 0
ERB Lint Support
#570 opened by TastyPi - 0
Missing Rules for Ruby 1.8 and 1.9
#562 opened by pboling - 3
Layout/DotPosition for config/ruby-1.8.yml
#561 opened by pboling - 3
Prevent direct rubocop CLI use
#556 opened by saturnflyer - 0
LSP server registration of executeCommand `standardRuby.formatAutoFixes` breaks VS Code
#544 opened by searls