CoreNLP: A Java suite of core NLP tools for tokenization, sentence segmentation, NER, parsing, coreference, sentiment analysis, etc.
- 1
- 10
Percent decoding %2B results in blank, not +
#1470 opened by BartJongejan - 2
Model jar encoding error
#1471 opened by yc21icacuk - 4
Local Server Run Fails Due to Main Website Outage
#1447 opened by mkarmona - 3
Unable to extract triplets
#1455 opened by DeepankarVyas - 1
- 2
downloadCoreNLP() timeout
#1456 opened by DeepankarVyas - 3
CoreNLP demo is down!
#1460 opened by IB539 - 3
Is down?
#1434 opened by snc-mana - 14
Web gui gives different results to server api for enhanced++ dependencies
#1467 opened by mercurial-moon - 1
Additional Tutorial or Unit tests for TokensRegex, Semgrex, Tregex and Tsurgeon?
#1468 opened by GeorgeS2019 - 1
How to reload the chineseDictionary ?
#1466 opened by dashu101 - 6
owasp check failed
#1465 opened by eduarddrenth - 2
What is the relationship between stanza and CoreNLP?
#1464 opened by lamrongol - 1
- 7
Unable to install CoreNLP software
#1450 opened by Lucia062026 - 2
- 5
High concurrency, stanfordnlp out of memory error.
#1461 opened by Paper-Heart - 1
Creating a Dockerfile for CoreNLP
#1459 opened by Meiye-lj - 7
Unable to open "/home/john/extern_data/corenlp-segmenter/dict-chris6.ser.gz"
#1458 opened by WXCMYDEARMELAN - 0
- 10
TokensRegex cannot detect rules cross the period '.'
#1396 opened by lilyclemson - 4
Cannot instantiate a StanfordCoreNLP pipeline in a Springboot Project using Maven
#1448 opened by clxxiii - 1
#1452 opened by gguangy - 2
- 0
I use this command, but the word-cut results are same to space-split. Thank you very much.
#1449 opened by guotong1988 - 1
Is down?
#1446 opened by evan-qianjh - 0
VBN vs VBD in the input files from PTB
#1443 opened by AngledLuffa - 2
Arabic Processing data
#1441 opened by A7med7x7 - 7
Wrong POS for "keine": PRON instead of DET
#1431 opened by GeorgeS2019 - 8
Question about constituency score
#1384 opened by RLangridge - 1
english.all.3class.distsim.crf.ser.gz ????
#1413 opened by NeilWP - 1
Training Shift Reduce Parser
#1428 opened by alvaro-rio - 10
German Lemma not working?
#1430 opened by GeorgeS2019 - 10
German Morphology
#1392 opened by GeorgeS2019 - 22
Add Automatic-Module-Name to MANIFEST.MF
#1411 opened by NightOwl888 - 8
- 4
IntervalTree#remove null pointer exception
#1405 opened by Sirius902 - 3
i am getting a lock screen bug
#1406 opened by 162September1996 - 7
Online demo is down
#1398 opened by alpgarcia - 4
negation modifier
#1410 opened by Shasetty - 5 can not be resolved to a type (in class OSXAdapter)
#1400 opened by scasadei - 1
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Demo Website Issue
#1401 opened by l0K1ngg - 2
new requirement in parsers
#1395 opened by Shasetty - 11
- 1
- 3 seems to be down
#1390 opened by SKefalidis - 0
CoreNLP converter produces invalid CoNLL
#1387 opened by AngledLuffa - 7