
Question about constituency score

RLangridge opened this issue · 8 comments

Hi there. My apologies for my background isn't in NLP so my question may not make much sense here. I'm trying to get the constituency score from a constituency parse out of my sentences. I was able to jerry-rig my way around this in Stanza by grabbing the source code and making my own way of retrieving it, however I was wondering if there's an out of the box way to do this with CoreNLP. Any information would be appreciated.


Thanks for this information. I'll have a look at both and work out which would be best.

Just to check, is there any way to implement this via the CoreNLPClient? That's what we're currently using at the moment.

Great thank you I'll give that a look

And sorry just one last question. I'm wanting to use constituency parsing on the following languages:

  • Serbian
  • Turkish
  • Dutch
  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • German
    I know that out of the box, some of these languages aren't supported by CoreNLP or are supported but don't have constituency parsing supported specifically. Is there any way to load in models from hugging face to perform constituency parsing or is it very much that for each language here that isn't supported, I'd need to look for a language specific project/library?

Great, thank you so much for your time it's very much appreciated.