
Constituency Parse Tree output

mercurial-moon opened this issue · 3 comments

I see that the output for constituency parse output in the text, xml or json files is given as a long string like so

Constituency parse: 
    (NP (NNP Stanford) (NNP University))
    (VP (VBZ is)
      (VP (VBN located)
        (PP (IN in)
          (NP (NNP California)))))
    (. .)))

This would be needed to be parsed to get it into a structured tree.
Is there a parser available for this by default in CoreNLP, or is there a more direct output (in tree format) available by querying the api ?

Yes I was looking to getting the constituency parse data as a tree of java objects.
I found some api samples here

Tree constituencyParse = sentence.constituencyParse();

Is this ok instead of the DiskTreebank