
Task space control framework in OpenSim

Primary LanguageC++

This is currently developed as a plugin to OpenSim. In the future, the plumbing
of the controller will be implemented in Simbody, and the OpenSim code base
will include the necessary wrapping classes (for serialization, etc.).


* Use a different RRR model.
* The methods take in references to the output, instead of returning Matrices,
    * etc.
* Is it true that generalized coordinate tasks must be last in the priorities?


There is a plan to 'implement' task space in Simbody.


CompositeTask or PriorityLevel?
PriorityLevel is easier; I'll do that for now.

Using a namespace, TaskSpace
There's already lots of classes in OpenSim that smell like operational space /
task space classes (e.g., CMC_Task, TrackingTask, ...). The controller requires
a number of classes. I could make all of those nested within a
TaskSpaceController class, or I could prepend their names with TaskSpace. The
former creates issues for wrapping, and the latter makes very long class names,
and is a weaker form of creating a namespace.

Why 'TaskSpace' instead of, e.g., OpSpace, OSC, ...?
I wanted a short name that did not include any abbreviations or acronyms.
I'm open to suggestions here, though, as I am not sure TaskSpace is really
the right term.