
Functional reactive data pipelines

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause



Composable data functions


Snapflow is a framework for building functional reactive data pipelines from modular components. It lets developers write gradually-typed pure datafunctions in Python or SQL that operate reactively on datablocks, immutable sets of data records whose structure and semantics are described by flexible schemas. These functions can be composed into simple or complex data pipelines that tackle every step of the data processing pipeline, from API ingestion to transformation to analysis and modeling.

This functional reactive framework provides several benefits:

  • Declarative data flows — Trade the tangled, stateful messes of traditional ETLs for clean declarative flows of data. Mix full rebuilds and incremental updates easily and safely.

  • Reusable componentsdatafunctions can be easily plugged together, shared and reused across projects. Some examples:

    • Stripe
      • Ingest Stripe Charge records (using the StripeCharge schema)
      • Conform StripeCharge objects to the standard Transaction schema
    • Shopify
      • Ingest Shopify Order records (using the ShopifyOrder schema)
      • Conform ShopifyOrder objects to the standard Transaction schema
    • BI (business intelligence)
      • Compute Customer Lifetime Values for standard Transaction data
    • Stocks
      • Ingest Tickers and pipe them to EodStockPrice data
    • FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data)
  • Total reproducibility — Every data record at every pipeline step is preserved in snapflow, along with the code that produced it and the inputs it used. Enables auditing, debugging, and reproducing pipelines.

  • Portability — Modular and testable functions means it is easy and safe to run the same data operation on many major database vendors (postgres, mysql, snowflake, bigquery, redshift), and file systems (local, S3, etc), or data format, whether it's csv, json, or apache arrow.

  • Testability — DataFunctions provide explicit test inputs and the expected output under various data scenarios — a data pipeline unit test.

  • High performance — Datablock immutability means snapflow can optimize data storage operations. It uses dcp under the hood to handle transfer and conversion.

Snapflow brings the best practices learned over the last 60 years in software to the world of data, with the goal of global collaboration, reproducible byte-perfect results, and performance at any scale from laptop to AWS cluster.

🚨️   snapflow is ALPHA software. Expect breaking changes to core APIs.   🚨️

Quick example

Install core library and the Stripe module:

pip install snapflow snapflow-stripe

Define a data function:

from snapflow import datafunction

def customer_lifetime_sales(txs):
    txs_df = txs.as_dataframe()
    return txs_df.groupby("customer")["amount"].sum().reset_index()

We could define this function in equivalent sql too:

from snapflow import sql_datafunction

def customer_lifetime_sales_sql():
  return "select customer, sum(amount) as amount from txs group by customer"
  # Or from a separate file:
  # return "sql/customer_lifetime_sales.sql"

We can connect functions as nodes in a graph. Note, we leverage the existing import_charges function of the snapflow-stripe module.

from snapflow import run, graph_from_yaml

g = graph_from_yaml(
  - key: stripe_charges
    function: stripe.import_charges
      api_key: sk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc
  - key: accumulated_stripe_charges
    function: core.accumulator
    input: stripe_charges
  - key: stripe_customer_lifetime_sales
    function: customer_lifetime_sales
    input: accumulated_stripe_charges


Then we run the graph once (time-limited for demo) and print out the final output:

from snapflow import Environment
from snapflow_stripe import module as stripe

env = Environment(modules=[stripe])
run(g, env=env, execution_timelimit_seconds=5)

# Get the final output block
datablock = env.get_latest_output("stripe_customer_lifetime_sales", g)

Architecture overview

All snapflow pipelines are directed graphs of datafunction nodes, consisting of one or more "source" nodes that create and emit datablocks when run. This stream of blocks is then consumed by downstream nodes, which each in turn may emit their own blocks. Source nodes can be scheduled to run as needed, downstream nodes will automatically ingest upstream datablocks reactively.


Below are more details on the key components of snapflow.


A datablock is an immutable set of data records of uniform schema -- think csv file, pandas dataframe, or database table. datablocks are the basic data unit of snapflow, the unit that datafunctions take as input and produce as output. Once created, a datablock's data will never change: no records will be added or deleted, or data points modified. More precisely, datablocks are a reference to an abstract ideal of a set of records, and will have one or more StoredDataBlocks persisting those records on a specific storage medium in a specific dataformat -- a CSV on the local file, a JSON string in memory, or a table in Postgres. Snapflow abstracts over specific formats and storage engines, and provides conversion and i/o between them while maintaining byte-perfect consistency -- to the extent possible for given formats and storages.


Data datafunctions are the core computational unit of snapflow. They are pure functions that operate on datablocks and are added as nodes to a function graph, linking one node's output to another's input via streams. DataFunctions are written in python or sql.

DataFunctions may consume (or "reference") zero or more inputs, and may emit zero or more output streams. DataFunctions can also take parameters. Inputs (upstream nodes) and parameters (configuration) are inferred automatically from a function's type annotations -- the type of input, whether required or optional, and what schemas/types are expected.

Taking our example from above, we can more explicitly annotate and parameterize it (if there are no annotations provided on a data function, defaults are assumed). We do this for both python and sql:

def customer_lifetime_sales(
  ctx: DataFunctionContext,  # Inject a context object
  txs: DataBlock[Transaction],  # Require an input stream conforming to schema "Transaction"
  metric: str = "amount" # Accept an optional string parameter, with default of "amount"
    # DataFunctionContext object automatically injected if declared
    txs_df = txs.as_dataframe()
    return txs_df.groupby("customer")[metric].sum().reset_index()

def customer_lifetime_sales_sql():
  return """
        , sum(:metric) as :metric:raw=amount
      from txs:Transaction
      group by customer

Note the special syntax :metric in the SQL query for specifying a parameter. It is of type raw since it is used as an identifier (we don't want it quoted as a string), and has a default value of amount, the same as in our python example above.


Schemas are record type definitions (think database table schema) that let datafunctions specify the data structure they expect and allow them to inter-operate safely. They also provide a natural place for field descriptions, validation logic, uniqueness constraints, default deduplication behavior, relations to other schemas, and other metadata associated with a specific type of data record.

Schemas behave like interfaces in other typed languages. The snapflow type system is structurally and gradually typed -- schemas are both optional and inferred, there is no explicit type hierarchy, and type compatibility can be inspected at runtime. A type is a subtype of, or "compatible" with, another type if it defines a superset of compatible fields or if it provides an implementation of that type.

A minimal schema example, in yaml:

name: Order
description: An example schema representing a basic order (purchase)
version: 1.0
  - id
    type: Text
      - NotNull
    type: Decimal(12, 2)
    description: The amount of the transaction
      - NotNull
    type: DateTime
      - NotNull
    type: Text

datafunctions can declare the schemas they expect with type hints, allowing them to specify the (minimal) contract of their interfaces. Type annotating our earlier examples would look like this:

# In python, use python's type annotations to specify expected schemas:
def sales(txs: DataBlock[Transaction]) -> DataFrame[CustomerMetric]:
    df = txs.as_dataframe()
    return df.groupby("customer_id").sum("amount").reset_index()

In SQL, we add type hints with comments after the select statement (for output) and after table identifiers (for inputs):

  , sum(amount) as amount
from txs:Transaction
group by customer_id

We could also specify relations and implementations of this type with other types:

    type: Customer
      id: customer_id
    datetime: date
    value: amount

Here we have implemented the common.TimeSeries schema, so any datafunction that accepts timeseries data -- a seasonality modeling function, for example -- can now be applied to this Order data as well. We could also apply this schema implementation ad-hoc at node declaration time with the schema_translation kwarg:

orders = node(order_source)
n = node(
       "date": "datetime",
       "amount": "value",

Typing is always optional, our original function definitions were valid with no annotated schemas. Snapflow schemas are a powerful mechanism for producing reusable components and building maintainable large-scale data projects and ecosystems. They are always optional though, and should be used when the utility they provide out-weighs any friction.


Datablock streams connect nodes in the function graph. By default every node's output is a simple stream of datablocks, consumed by one or more other downstream nodes. Stream operators allow you to manipulate these streams:

from snapflow import node
from snapflow.operators import merge, filter

n1 = node(source1)
n2 = node(source2)
 # Merge two or more streams into one
combined = merge(n1, n2)
# Filter a stream
big_blocks_only = filter(combined, function=lambda block: block.count() > 1000)
# Set the stream as an input
n3 = node(do_something, input=big_blocks_only)

Common operators include latest, merge, filter. It's simple to create your own:

def sample(stream: Stream, sample_rate: float = .5) -> Stream:
    for block in stream:
        if random.random() < sample_rate:
            yield block

Operators vs functions

It's important to note that streams, unlike functions, never create new datablocks nor have any effect on what is stored on disk. They only alter which datablocks end up as input to a node.

Other concepts

Consistency and Immutability

To the extent possible, snapflow maintains the same data and byte representation of datablock records across formats and storages. Not all formats and storages support all data representations, though -- for instance, datetime support differs significantly across common data formats, runtimes, and storage engines. When it notices a conversion or storage operation may produce data loss or corruption, snapflow will try to emit a warning or, if serious enough, fail with an error. (Partially implemented, see #24)

Environment and metadata

A snapflow environment tracks the function graph, and acts as a registry for the modules, runtimes, and storages available to functions. It is associated one-to-one with a single metadata database. The primary responsibility of the metadata database is to track which nodes have processed which DataBlocks, and the state of nodes. In this sense, the environment and its associated metadata database contain all the "state" of a snapflow project. If you delete the metadata database, you will have effectively "reset" your snapflow project. (You will NOT have deleted any actual data produced by the pipeline, though it will be "orphaned".)

Component Development

Developing new snapflow components is straightforward and can be done as part of a snapflow module or as a standalone component. Module development guide and tools coming soon.

Type system details

Data blocks have three associated schemas:

  • Inferred schema - the structure and datatypes automatically inferred from the actual data
  • Nominal schema - the schema that was declared (or resolved, for a generic) in the function graph
  • Realized schema - the schema that was ultimately used to physically store the data on a specific storage (the schema used to create a database table, for instance)

The realized schema is determined by the following factors:

  • The setting of CAST_TO_SCHEMA_LEVEL to one of hard, soft, or none
  • The discrepancies, if any, between the inferred schema and the nominal schema

The following table gives the logic for possible behavior of realized schema:

none soft (default) hard
inferred has superset of nominal fields realized is always equivalent to inferred realized schema == nominal schema, but use inferred field definitions for extra fields. realized equivalent to nominal, extra fields are discarded
inferred is missing nullable fields from nominal " " realized schema == nominal schema, but use inferred field definitions for extra fields, fill missing columns with NULL exception is raised
inferred is missing non-nullable fields from nominal " " exception is raised exception is raised
inferred field has datatype mismatch with nominal field definition (eg string in a nominal float field) " " realized schema is downcast to inferred datatype (and warning issued if WARN_ON_DOWNCAST). If FAIL_ON_DOWNCAST is set, an exception is raised instead exception is raised

Snapflow Module and DataFunction development

The recommended way to build your own reusable snapflow components is to create a snapflow module as a standalone python package. This makes it simple for anyone to reuse your components by installing via pip/poetry.

Creating a snapflow module

Start by creating a new python project

poetry new snapflow-mymodule

cd snapflow-mymodule

poetry add snapflow

Then you may need to remove the folder poetry created:

rm -r snapflow_mymodule

Now we can create our snapflow module:

snapflow new module snapflow_mymodule

This will create the following structure:


Creating a new data function

Now that you have a snapflow module, you can create your own functions:

snapflow new function my_function

Which results in this file structure:


The actual function is in my_function.py and will be an identify function to start:

def my_function(
    ctx: DataFunctionContext,
    input: DataBlock
    # ref: Reference   # A reference input
    # param1: str = "default val"  # A parameter with default
    df = input.as_dataframe() # Or .as_records()
    return df