
A Comprehensive Survey on Community Detection with Deep Learning

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A collection of papers on deep learning for community detection.


A Comprehensive Survey on Community Detection with Deep Learning. 29 Pages, arXiv 2021. Xing Su, Shan Xue, Fanzhen Liu, Jia Wu, Jian Yang, Chuan Zhou, Wenbin Hu, Cecile Paris, Surya Nepal, Di Jin, Quan Z. Sheng, Philip S. Yu. [Paper] [AMiner科技]

Link: https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.12584

	author = {Su, Xing and Xue, Shan and Liu, Fanzhen and Wu, Jia and Yang, Jian and 
	Zhou, Chuan and Hu, Wenbin and Paris, Cecile and Nepal, Surya and Jin, Di and 
	Sheng, Quan Z. and Yu, Philip S.},
	journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.12584},
	title = {A Comprehensive Survey on Community Detection with Deep Learning},
	year = {2021},
	url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.12584}

Deep Learning for Community Detection: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities. IJCAI 2020. Fanzhen Liu, Shan Xue, Jia Wu, Chuan Zhou, Wenbin Hu, Cecile Paris, Surya Nepal, Jian Yang, Philip S. Yu. [Paper] [AI科技评论]

Link: https://www.ijcai.org/Proceedings/2020/693

	author = {Liu, Fanzhen and Xue, Shan and Wu, Jia and Zhou, Chuan and Hu, Wenbin and 
	Paris, Cecile and Nepal, Surya and Yang, Jian and Yu, Philip S.},
	booktitle  = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on
	Artificial Intelligence, {IJCAI-20}},
	title = {Deep Learning for Community Detection: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities},
	year = {2020},
	pages = {4981-4987},
	doi = {10.24963/ijcai.2020/693}
Paper Title Venue Year Authors Materials
Community detection in node-attributed social networks: A survey Computer Science Review 2020 Petr Chunaev [Paper]
Community detection in networks: A multidisciplinary review Journal of Network and Computer Applications 2018 Javed et al. [Paper]
Community discovery in dynamic networks: A Survey ACM Computing Surveys 2018 Giulio Rossetti and Remy Cazabet [Paper]
Evolutionary computation for community detection in networks: A review IEEE TEVC 2018 Clara Pizzuti [Paper]
Metrics for community analysis: A survey ACM Computing Surveys 2017 Chakraborty et al. [Paper]
Network community detection: A review and visual survey Preprint 2017 Bisma S. Khan and Muaz A. Niazi [Paper]
Community detection in networks: A user guide Physics Reports 2016 Santo Fortunato and Darko Hric [Paper]
Community detection in social networks WIREs Data Mining Knowledge Discovery 2016 Punam Bedi and Chhavi Sharma [Paper]

Convolutional Networks-based Community Detection

CNN-based Community Detection

Paper Title Venue Year Authors Materials
A deep learning approach for semi-supervised community detection in online social networks Knowledge-Based Systems 2021 De Santo et al. [Paper]
Edge classification based on convolutional neural networks for community detection in complex network Physica A 2020 Cai et al. [Paper]
A deep learning based community detection approach SAC 2019 Giancarlo Sperlí [Paper]
Deep community detection in topologically incomplete networks Physica A 2017 Xin et al. [Paper]

GCN-based Community Detection

Paper Title Venue Year Authors Materials
Graph debiased contrastive learning with joint representation clustering IJCAI 2021 Zhao et al. [Paper]
Spectral embedding network for attributed graph clustering Neural Networks 2021 Zhang et al. [Paper]
Unsupervised learning for community detection in attributed networks based on graph convolutional network Neurocomputing 2021 Wang et al. [Paper]
Adaptive graph encoder for attributed graph embedding KDD 2020 Cui et al. [Paper][Code]
CommDGI: Community detection oriented deep graph infomax CIKM 2020 Zhang et al. [Paper]
Going deep: Graph convolutional ladder-shape networks AAAI 2020 Hu et al. [Paper]
Independence promoted graph disentangled networks AAAI 2020 Liu et al. [Paper]
Supervised community detection with line graph neural networks ICLR 2019 Chen et al. [Paper][Code]
Graph convolutional networks meet markov random fields: Semi-supervised community detection in attribute networks AAAI 2019 Jin et al. [Paper]
Overlapping community detection with graph neural networks DLG Workshop, KDD 2019 Oleksandr Shchur and Stephan Günnemann [Paper][Code]
Attributed graph clustering via adaptive graph convolution IJCAI 2019 Zhang et al. [Paper][Code]
CayleyNets: Graph convolutional neural networks with complex rational spectral filters IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 2019 Levie et al. [Paper][Code]

Graph Attention Network-based Community Detection

Paper Title Venue Year Authors Materials
Detecting communities from heterogeneous graphs: A context path-based graph neural network model CIKM 2021 Luo et al. [Paper][Code]
HDMI: High-order deep multiplex infomax WWW 2021 Jing et al. [Paper][Code]
Self-supervised heterogeneous graph neural network with co-contrastive learning KDD 2021 Wang et al. [Paper][Code]
Unsupervised attributed multiplex network embedding AAAI 2020 Park et al. [Paper][Code]
MAGNN: Metapath aggregated graph neural network for heterogeneous graph embedding WWW 2020 Fu et al. [Paper] [Code]

Graph Adversarial Network-based Community Detection

Paper Title Venue Year Authors Materials
Self-training enhanced: Network embedding and overlapping community detection with adversarial learning IEEE TNNLS 2021 Chen et al. [Paper]
CANE: Community-aware network embedding via adversarial training Knowledge and Information Systems 2021 Wang et al. [Paper]
SEAL: Learning heuristics for community detection with generative adversarial networks KDD 2020 Zhang et al. [Paper][Code]
Multi-class imbalanced graph convolutional network learning IJCAI 2020 Shi et al. [Paper]
JANE: Jointly adversarial network embedding IJCAI 2020 Yang et al. [Paper]
ProGAN: Network embedding via proximity generative adversarial network KDD 2019 Gao et al. [Paper]
CommunityGAN: Community detection with generative adversarial nets WWW 2019 Jia et al. [Paper][Code]

Autoencoder-based Community Detection

Stacked AE-based Community Detection

Paper Title Venue Year Authors Materials
An evolutionary autoencoder for dynamic community detection Science China Information Sciences 2020 Wang et al. [Paper]
High-performance community detection in social networks using a deep transitive autoencoder Information Sciences 2019 Xie et al. [Paper]
Integrative network embedding via deep joint reconstruction IJCAI 2018 Hongchang Gao and Heng Huang [Paper]
Deep attributed network embedding IJCAI 2018 Gao et al. [Paper][Code]
Deep network embedding for graph representation learning in signed networks IEEE TCYB 2018 Xiao Sheng and Fu-Lai Chung [Paper][Code]
BL-MNE: Emerging heterogeneous social network embedding through broad learning with aligned autoencoder ICDM 2017 Zhang et al. [Paper][Code]
Modularity based community detection with deep learning IJCAI 2016 Yang et al. [Paper][Code]

Sparse AE-based Community Detection

Paper Title Venue Year Authors Materials
A weighted network community detection algorithm based on deep learning Applied Mathematics and Computation 2021 Li et al. [Paper]
Stacked autoencoder-based community detection method via an ensemble clustering framework Information Sciences 2020 Xu et al. [Paper]
DFuzzy: A deep learning-based fuzzy clustering model for large graphs Knowledge and Information Systems 2018 Vandana Bhatia and Rinkle Rani [Paper]
Learning deep representations for graph clustering AAAI 2014 Tian et al. [Paper][Code]

Denoising AE-based Community Detection

Paper Title Venue Year Authors Materials
DNC: A deep neural network-based clustering-oriented network embedding algorithm Journal of Network and Computer Applications 2021 Li et al. [Paper]
MGAE: Marginalized graph autoencoder for graph clustering CIKM 2017 Wang et al. [Paper][Code]
Graph clustering with dynamic embedding Preprint 2017 Yang et al. [Paper]
Deep neural networks for learning graph representations AAAI 2016 Cao et al. [Paper]

Graph Convolutional AE-based Community Detection

Paper Title Venue Year Authors Materials
Self-supervised graph convolutional network for multi-view clustering IEEE TMM 2021 Xia et al. [Paper]
Community-centric graph convolutional network for unsupervised community detection IJCAI 2020 He et al. [Paper]
Structural deep clustering network WWW 2020 Bo et al. [Paper][Code]
One2Multi graph autoencoder for multi-view graph clustering WWW 2020 Fan et al. [Paper][Code]

Graph Attention AE-based Community Detection

Paper Title Venue Year Authors Materials
Graph embedding clustering: Graph attention auto-encoder with cluster-specificity distribution Neural Networks 2021 Xu et al. [Paper][Code]
Multi-view attribute graph convolution networks for clustering IJCAI 2020 Cheng et al. [Paper]
Deep multi-graph clustering via attentive cross-graph association WSDM 2020 Luo et al. [Paper][Code]
Attributed graph clustering: A deep attentional embedding approach IJCAI 2019 Wang et al. [Paper]

Variational AE-based Community Detection

Paper Title Venue Year Authors Materials
Effective decoding in graph auto-encoder using triadic closure AAAI 2020 Shi et al. [Paper]
Graph representation learning via ladder gamma variational autoencoders AAAI 2020 Sarkar et al. [Paper]
Stochastic blockmodels meet graph neural networks ICML 2019 Mehta et al. [Paper][Code]
Variational graph embedding and clustering with laplacian eigenmaps IJCAI 2019 Chen et al. [Paper]
Optimizing variational graph autoencoder for community detection BigData 2019 Choong et al. [Paper]
Learning community structure with variational autoencoder ICDM 2018 Choong et al. [Paper]
Adversarially regularized graph autoencoder for graph embedding IJCAI 2018 Pan et al. [Paper][Code]

Deep Nonnegative Matrix Factorization-based Community Detection

Paper Title Venue Year Authors Materials
Community detection based on modularized deep nonnegative matrix factorization International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 2020 Huang et al. [Paper]
Deep autoencoder-like nonnegative matrix factorization for community detection CIKM 2018 Ye et al. [Paper][Code]
A non-negative symmetric encoder-decoder approach for community detection CIKM 2017 Sun et al. [Paper]

Deep Sparse Filtering-based Community Detection

Paper Title Venue Year Authors Materials
Community discovery in networks with deep sparse filtering Pattern Recognition 2018 Xie et al. [Paper]


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